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A power to advance the public happiness involves a discretion which may be misapplied and abused.

James Madison, Federalist 41

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Rush Holt's Corrosive Tentacles of Corruption

WARNING: Do not break the law before, during, or after reading anything I mention.

Rush Holt is tightly ensnared by the corrosive tentacles of corruption. The serpent of political intrigue has unleashed a multitude of influence peddlers that are fatally squeezing all the virtue and independence from our public servants. Our precious liberties and republican principles are being choked out by a deadly grasp. This is the sad state of political affairs we are faced with in New Jersey's 12th Congressional District. It is a microcosm of what is terribly wrong with our governing arrangement. Rush Holt is held hostage by a troublesome retinue of flattering favorites that prevent real reform. They have supplanted our general welfare with partisan zeal, parochial interests, and other venomous vehicles that threaten our sovereignty, and restrain our consent. It is time for all citizens of the district, state, and nation, to exercise their proper and legitimate power. We need to make our influence known at the ballot box this November, and take back our rightful station as proprietors of government.

If you take a look at Rush Holt’s most recent campaign disclosure records http://bit.ly/d60D9d you will see that he is well funded by corporate lobbyists and Washington D.C. insiders. Most of the money comes from outside the state, and, more specifically, Washington D.C. There are a few contributions from New Jersey. Mark Matzen http://bit.ly/aKb79d http://linkd.in/deZH3v is one of Rush Holt's corrupted cronies that is well rewarded, but not well known. He just received $7000 for campaign consulting through FiftyOne Percent, LLC, and has been crawling around Rush Holt’s web of power and influence for some time now. I wonder who in the relationship is in charge. It does not look like we are. Mr. Matzen is definitely a special favorite of our congressman, and is well rewarded http://bit.ly/bDVDWN, http://bit.ly/aE2OYO for his loyalty. He is a political operator for the Democrat Party and was involved with some disturbing political improprieties http://bit.ly/apDGKF, http://bit.ly/9acFe3, http://bit.ly/9I7aod. Mr. Matzen is part of the revolving door policy that has polluted Washington D.C., and New Jersey. His political alliance with Representative Holt, if we can even call him a representative, is well documented, and this is only a very small portion. Mr. Matzen is a professional corporate lobbyist that has peddled influence inside and outside of Rush Holt's office. Mr. Matzen and his friends at MWW Group http://bit.ly/cIUqtS, http://bit.ly/crR9AW have benefited from contributing to Mr. Holt’s campaign treasure chest over the years, using him as a special conduit to the halls of Congress.

Mark Matzen is one of Rush Holt’s special favorites. Mr. Matzen, and MWW, have greatly benefited from the special relationship they have established with Rush Holt. They have special influence and easy access to our public servant. Yet these are only small sections in the web of corruption that Rush Holt has spun over his decade long career in Congress. It is time for the wise citizens of New Jersey's 12th Congressional District to remove Rush Holt from office, and sever all the corrosive tentacles of corruption that threaten republican virtue. We are the only legitimate interest that should influence our representative’s actions. In November, though, we have a chance to clean up Congress, and remove every vestige of special interest and greed that corrupts our officials, discredits the legislative process, diminishes our will, and denigrates our national character. We will do what is right in November, because it is our duty, as informed citizens of a free republic, to correct the balance of power when it becomes necessary.