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A power to advance the public happiness involves a discretion which may be misapplied and abused.

James Madison, Federalist 41

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Rush Holt's Futile Schemes

WARNING: Do not break the law before, during, or after reading anything I mention.

Rush Holt, the radical sophists, mystical dreamers, and dissimulative demagogues nestled in the Democrat Party, are really “the privileged few.” They are controlling Congress, and taking advantage of our dire economic distresses to hastily push through a sweeping social agenda that runs contrary to popular will, common sense, constitutional authority, practical reality, and personal property. If you disagree with this profuse Democrat platform, they will tell you that horrible consequences will surely follow.

Democrats' say everything is in a state of crisis, from education to the environment, from healthcare to the economy, and now they are radically transforming society and the relationship citizens have with the federal government. These troublesome disseminators of worrisome portents have hijacked our Congress, with slim majorities, and are bringing us on a dangerous ride aboard the Utopian Express, next stop on the high speed line, taxpayer insolvency and federal dependency, where there is no liberty, no personal property, no security, no justice, and no personal responsibility - but there is a sunset. They are subjecting all of us to the whimsical dreams of liberal philosophy. Rush Holt has joyfully joined this utopian cabal. He is too willing to participate in the wondrous journey led by the liberal/progressive menace running Congress for the past four years.

Rush Holt sat in Congress for more than a decade, pleasing partisan loyalties, as we watched jobs leave our district, state, and nation, witnessed a plummeting dollar, hindered by commercial restraints, unfair foreign trade practices, an unequal tax structure, rising unemployment, increased foreclosures, and, generally, economic stagnation.

We need to turn back the liberal/progressive manipulators of public trust, treasure, and discretion. We should no longer let our public servants, our rights, our seat, our voice in Congress, and our children's future, be taken for granted by shrewd career politicians, party operatives, special interests, and Washington lobbyists that all prosper at public expense.

During a time of economic distress, threatening foreign dispositions, and extreme political ideologies polarizing populations for political expediency, and distracting this nation from engaging in a sober debate about accomplishing real political reform, economic renewal, and a return to republican principles, we need a representative who is not beholden to any other interest than that of the citizens in New Jersey’s Twelfth Congressional District and the U.S. Constitution. We do not need any more politicians engaging in popular posturing that is so prevalent these days, and one that will not misconstrue enumerated powers. We need someone who does not bathe in the polluted spring of corporate influence, does not bend in the face of liberal extremism and rigorous debate, will not swim in the swamp with special interests, and will not surrender our vote to a misguided element within the Democrat Party. Rush Holt does all of this, and will continue doing so if the wise citizens of the district do not remove him from office on November 2, 2010.

Mr. Holt, and his high-powered public relation firms, and other politically active characters injecting their venomous fictions into the process, are doing what they do best, destroy, defame, and distract. They use fear to move you. We use reason and facts to unmask and dismantle their futile efforts. Rush Holt's campaign war chest is a well stocked treasure trove with liquidity pouring in from a vast assortment of corporate peddlers residing outside the district, which is now being ruthlessly deployed in full force to disguise, distort, and deflect the real issues we face as citizens of a free Republic.

The recent political ads - run by our congressman's team of filthy propagandists and Democrat operatives, combined with the artful practices and financial support of special interest groups - do nothing constructive, but they do conjure up illusory depictions of a mysterious monster, one that is part of “a privileged few,” and one that will plunder your benefits, cut your wages, denigrate your liberties, stifle democracy, and steal the American Dream from you and your loved ones. This is plainly demagoguery. It is so easy to use that no honest or credible public servant should even pay money to demonstrate it, let alone condone it. Rush Holt, and his well served wire-pullers, quickly dispatch ideal evils and construct blatant fabrications to defile the character of their challengers because there can be no justification for, nor defense of, the reckless congressional spending binge that has gone on for too long. Rush Holt has increased the national debt, exacerbated the federal budget deficit, diminished state sovereignty, and ravaged private industry and property with higher taxes and more regulatory burdens. The citizens of the district, state, and nation do not need any more congressional impediments or barriers to prosperity. It is time to cut some purse strings and prune the rapidly growing federal tentacles. We can start on November 2, 2010.