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A power to advance the public happiness involves a discretion which may be misapplied and abused.

James Madison, Federalist 41

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Scott Sipprelle Will Serve At Our Pleasure

WARNING: Do not break the law before, during, or after reading anything I mention.

It is time for the citizens of New Jersey’s 12th Congressional District to hold Representative Rush Holt to account for a voting record that runs contrary to the common interest of the district, state, and nation. Mr. Scott Sipprelle http://www.supportscott2010.com/ is the candidate we should elect this November, and send him to Congress to fix the several problems his opponent has incompetently resided over for the past decade. The time has come for Rush Holt to lay down his partisan fiddle, recognize the flames are curling under his seat, and return to the research lab at Princeton University, where his skills are better suited.

At every turn, Rush Holt stands firmly against our common interests. The only real interest he has faithfully and fervently served is that of the Democrat Party, and the barrel loads of money flowing into his campaign war chest from radical liberal elements and corporate lobbyists, which greatly diminishes our sovereignty. Rush Holt has surrendered our interests to Washington lobbyists and bureaucrats. When Mr. Holt first went to Congress more than a decade ago, he wanted to end the partisanship plaguing our nation. Well, see what a decade in Washington D.C. can do to the most sincere among us. Mr. Holt has become inebriated with all the power and influence swirling about the halls of Congress. Corporate and Washington D.C. lobbyists have contributed a disproportionate amount of money to our representative, if we can even call him that, and seduced him with cajoling characters stroking his ego for special favors in the form of federal grants and contracts funded by taxpayer dollars, and crafting legislative language.

These insidious miscreants corrupt legislation through our representative. They lurk in the crevices of Congress. They have supplanted the consent of the governed, and pose a serious barrier to real political reform and threaten republican principles. They implant convoluted provisions, appropriate obnoxious allotments, and erect evasive loopholes, which are surreptitiously inserted into enormous bills, in the dark of night, without fully exposing the true elements, passed with procedural gimmicks and deception, ultimately benefiting very few of us in the district. This November the wise citizens of New Jersey’s 12th Congressional District must let Rush Holt know that our interest will prevail in the halls of Congress, not the partisan cronies looking for federal favors.

Quite frankly, we can no longer afford to keep Rush Holt is office any longer. He has plundered our purse, and supplanted our general welfare with all his special favorites deeply embedded in the District of Columbia, Princeton University, and the City of Trenton. The nation’s capitol has degenerated itself into a bastion of special interests prying away our consent to be governed. Who are we governed by? The answer is supposed to be ourselves, but that is not the case in New Jersey’s 12th congressional district. This is a direct assault on our liberty, independence, and republican principles. The only people Rush Holt should be beholden to is the people of this district. Mr. Scott Sipprelle, Holt’s opponent, is a citizen who owes nothing to any special interests, or corporate lobbyists. He will serve at our pleasure, and never sacrifice our common interest, nor surrender our sovereignty, to the most radical elements of the Democrat Party, or any other interest that aligns itself against our own. Elect Scott Sipprelle in November and we will return our voice, and our interest, to the House of Representatives.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Powerful stuff!