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A power to advance the public happiness involves a discretion which may be misapplied and abused.

James Madison, Federalist 41

Monday, October 25, 2010

Rush Holt's Crusading Democrat Hoard

WARNING: Do not break the law before, during, or after reading anything I mention.

Rush Holt is propped up by several contributions from political entities, some well known, and others not so. Public servants exist to serve in the interest of citizens they represent, and the constitution they take an oath to defend and uphold. Rush Holt abuses this precious public trust. We placed it in his hands to act on our behalf, and he has recklessly abandoned most of his constituents for partisan pursuits, special interests, and political profits. Mr. Holt lost his independence some time ago, and is continuing to sacrifice our general welfare for a radical element now in control of the Democratic Party and our Congress. Rush Holt will continue to surrender our interests to transient tentacles of civic pollution extending from a crusading Democrat horde that plunders taxpayers, pillages the public purse, and squeezes the economic vitality from our vibrant nation. 

The list of links found below only represents a tiny portion of the public record pertaining to Rush Holt’s campaign benefactors. They are a curious crew of special favorites peddling their influence through Rush Holt's open door policy. The wise citizens of New Jersey's 12th Congressional District must take their seat back on November 2, and forever closing it on Rush Holt and his collusive crew of cronies.

Rush D. Holt’s Campaign Disclosure Form 7/15/2010 - http://images.nictusa.com/pdf/804/10990911804/10990911804.pdf#navpanes=0

http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/42503112.html?c=y – Holt Pac’s

http://www.ucforcalifornia.org/ucsf/bio/fec/?id=394&cycle=2009-2010 – Holt Pac’s

http://politics.usnews.com/congress/holt-rush/donors -

http://www.citizen.org/congress/article_redirect.cfm?ID=7188 – Holt Pac For Responsive Government

http://www.congress.org/congressorg/bio/fec/?id=394&cycle=2003-2004 – Holt Pac’s

http://www.cleanupwashington.org/sii/sii_tables_member.cfm?Names=76 – Holt contributors

http://app.mlogic.mobi/news.jsp?key=334983&rc=ne&p=2 – Holt & Goldman Sachs money $31,000

$5000 to Holt 5/17/2010 - National Community Action Fund - CAP-PAC SEPARATE SEGREGATED FUND - http://www.ncaf.org/ ; NJ Chapter- http://www.njcaanet.org/ ;Green job grants http://www.njba.org/pressReleases/?foundation_awards_grants -

$1500 & $5000 on 4/9/2010, LABORERS' POLITICAL LEAGUE-LABORERS' INTERNATIONAL UNION Terence O’Sullivan, General President - http://www.liuna.org/tabid/69/Default.aspx ; LiUNA’s suspect disclosure activities flagged by Dept. of Labor 2007 - http://ourfinancialsecurity.org/2010/07/liuna-applauds-senate-passage-of-financial-reform/# - http://laborers.com/USDOL-O'Sullivan.doc.htm ; worsening job picture by O’Sullivan - http://newsblaze.com/story/2010070208491700001.bw/topstory.html

$2500 & $2500 to Holt on 4/02/2010 - AMERICAN FEDERATION OF TEACHERS/AFL-CIO http://www.aflcio.org/issues/education/vouchers.cfm - American Federation of Teachers http://www.aft.org/# - AFT Issues - http://www.aft.org/getinvolved/legislative_action.cfm - NJ Chapter - http://nj.aft.org/ - NJ Delegation ratings – Holt 100%- http://www.aflcio.org/issues/legislativealert/votes/index.cfm?location=House&termyear=2009&memberid=&statecode=NJ&act=3&Go.x=8&Go.y=7

$4000 to Holt on 3/31/2010 - THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF HOME BUILDERS - BUILD POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE - http://www.nahb.org/ - http://www.nahb.org/page.aspx/category/sectionID=188 – Issues - http://www.nahb.org/fileUpload_details.aspx?contentID=132899 – Freddie/Fannie support -

$5000 & $3000 to Holt on 3/31/2010 - NEW DEMOCRAT COALITION POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE - http://www.ndcpac.com/ - Holt and the New Democrat Coalition Pac -

$1000 on 4/1/2010 & $1000 on 12/28/2009- AFSCME - http://www.afscme.org/ - Rally in Trenton - http://www.afscme.org/publications/28327.cfm - NJ Council - http://afscmenj.com/ - Political Activities - http://afscmenj.com/images/stories/volunteeractionteam.pdf - Agreement with NJ State http://afscmenj.com/images/stories/memorandumofagreement.pdf -

$2500 on 1/7/2010 & $2500 on 2/28/2010 - DRIVE PAC - Teamsters Union - http://www.teamster.org/content/about-drive -

http://www.ourcampaigns.com/FECCommitteeDetail.html?FECCommitteeID=1520 – Holt Pac’s

http://fec-political-committee.findthebest.com/detail/6190/RUSH-HOLT-FOR-CONGRESS - Rush Holt for Congress

http://www.phccweb.org/Contractor/WashingtonDetail.cfm?itemnumber=7361 – Plumbing, Heating and Cooling Association “PHCC was instrumental in helping U.S. Rep. Rush Holt (D-NJ) introduce water efficiency legislation that supports employing professional contractors.”

Rush Holt is personally and financially attached to the interests that support him. A majority of the total amount of money flowing into our congressman’s campaign treasure trove comes from special interests and corporate/Washington lobbyists outside of New Jersey or Princeton. They are the funding mechanism that enables Mr. Holt to spread falsehoods and construct nightmares that drive your passions. Mr. Holt has done their bidding, and now they do his, and that of the most radical elements in the Democratic Party. Democrats, and all the venomous vehicles of their apparatus, are pushing a sweeping social agenda, with vigorous and concerted efforts, while they still have a majority in Congress, to alter the relationship between American citizens and the federal government. The wise and free citizens of America must reconfigure the balance of power on November 2, and put these menacing elements in the minority where it belongs.

1 comment:

Matt said...

Hey Aratus,

I noticed that you referenced my site: findthebest.com when referring to Rush Holt for Congress.

Thanks for using our Government resource and feel free to contact me with any questions.
