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A power to advance the public happiness involves a discretion which may be misapplied and abused.

James Madison, Federalist 41

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Liberty, The Jewel of Humanity

WARNING: Do not break the law before, during, or after reading anything I mention.

American citizens will correct any imbalances that arise under their governing system. The great human notion of Liberty is not some quaint ideal relegated to the romantic pages of a forgotten and neglected history book that is placed out of reach, way up high on a dark and dusty shelf, deep in the bowels of a vast labyrinth of human knowledge. It does not reside in a dim and distant realm of fantasy; nor is it a mythologized force of fiction contorting itself into gross heresies that injuriously attach themselves to ignorant minds. Liberty is a perpetual endeavor, a constant objective, and prime mover, for every human being.

In America, for several generations now, fundamental precepts of constitutional practice have been loosened and extended, at times, wholly justified by proper acts for a national advantage; but, too many times, though, and in all the wrong places, Liberty’s prime principles have been slackened by the people’s neglectful attitude toward the prize. Each and every one of the citizens in America - the proprietors of a free and independent nation, who give their consent, and assent, to be governed by publicly elected servants - have inherited a solemn duty to secure Liberty’s most treasured blessings. The chief token among them, and most honorable pursuit, is self-government. It is through this instrument of the people that the mechanism for immeasurable benefits and happiness can be fully actuated. It also has a naturally perverse propensity to increase its jurisdictional purview at the expense of individual liberties.

Self-government is a supreme blessing for human advancement made under the rule of law, while also being a dubious scourge of humanity. In America the dual propensity of Liberty’s extremes are best managed by the people through their government. This endeavor will best protect our unalienable rights, and more than capable of diminishing the destructive components of majorities and minorities that accompany Liberty. Americans are the actual participating agents driving this constitutional engine. It moves as they move, always nourishing the life source of Liberty and the pursuit of happiness it provides, forever fueling this grand experiment in republican government, self-control, and personal responsibility that deserves exacting scrutiny and a disciplined rigor on the part of every citizen.

It seems as though American citizens are faced with a crisis of confidence in their governing arrangement. This has been the case since its inception. That amorphous fourth branch, who reigns in this restless realm of Liberty, cannot be easily pinned down in a neatly constructed category. It is a futile effort even to define its true essence, or accurately predict its proper movement. This is merely a marvelous symptom common to all people, over thousands of years, yearning for freedom and peace during their particular epoch.

All along this wondrous journey there were obnoxious obstacles placed in the glorious path of Liberty. It is too bad that there will always be foreign and domestic agitators and assailants of Liberty, personal freedom, human dignity, and the rule of law, who manufacture, then exploit, a contentious atmosphere perpetuating the antagonizing vexations that continually divide and distort perceptions, cynically accumulating more power and influence over the general welfare, while supposedly acting in its interest. They dangerously conjure up instances of inequities, artificially predefined distinctions, which, ultimately, sours public sentiment, denigrates the national and moral character of America, all at great risk and peril of undermining the great republican principles America, and its Liberty, rests upon.

The current domestic perplexities American’s are faced with cannot be summed up into one succinctly constructed proposition. These intricacies of social existence are not new and unique phenomena to the human species, and do not wholly reside in the temporary structure of our governing systems, or our domestic sentiments, generally, they are eternally housed in every heart and mind. American citizens, and other independent nations and peoples of the world, are still trying to comprehend the essence of Liberty, and figure out the appropriate measures needed to protect its enormous blessings. A fundamental objective for every independent and sovereign people is the preservation of their lives, liberties, and properties, which, once obtained, then jealously maintained, provides an environment for peace and happiness to thrive in. This is the general welfare of the community. The American governing system, more specifically, has assumed a substantial weight not suited for its primary voyage. There have been several ambitious additions, driven by noble intentions, accumulated over several decades, and is now in need of measured relief. The general welfare of the whole community has all too often been unfairly sacrificed for narrow and parochial interests that drive the painful practices of political expediency and mutual animosity. The great ship of state is always listing about the unpredictable societal seas, and constantly requires serious correction during tempestuous storms so it does not become debris in the strand line on history’s barren shores.

Our resilient system has changed for the better, climbed and crashed through tumultuous waves of civic unrest, having more freedom now then before, yet, sadly to say, not enough, even today. Most changes were for the better, and we still sail the seas with great purpose and resolve. But, at several critical junctures in American history, there were changes spurned on by an advantageous atmosphere of civic discontent, which inevitably leads to revenge politics and division, ultimately bringing national turmoil, disgrace, and contention. Our distant ancestors, and several of our most notable contemporaries, enacted numerous alterations not intended to be attached to the federal vessel, which unduly increased federal weight, and created a disturbing and debilitating imbalance of federal dependencies.

Obviously, necessary and proper structural changes have occurred over time. We are in a better place now due to the changes that have occurred. It does not take a genius to see the gracious benefits flowing from those needed alterations; but, there have been many constitutional constructions, consequently, that have produced an array of troubling realities, and several unforeseen externalities, we are currently forced to address. These constitutional extravagances and perversions of our governing principles have been a work in progress for some time. Although the American experiment in self government is far larger than any single generation, executive administration, congressional session, judicial construction, or bureaucratic fiat, but when they compile suspicious schemes and pernicious precedents over time, they amount to commonplace and lasting occurrences that may be beneficial, or harmful, to the sanctity of Liberty, and not easily altered. The virtuous citizens of the American Republic will endure as long as Liberty’s flame remains a well-regulated light for all to see and touch.

This republican system was erected because Liberty needed a sturdier and more moderate device to protect it from the passionate ravages and ignorance human beings act upon; the natural and destructive adversaries of Liberty are in direct opposition to the countervailing forces of peace, justice, equality, and happiness. A perpetual set of human crises has existed for more than a thousand centuries, they lay in the careful maintenance of Liberty’s delicate flame, and the control over its propensity to be smothered, or enraged into an uncontrollable inferno that is reminiscent of a state of nature. Liberty’s primitive extremes produce destruction, discontent, and division, and are usually accompanied by some form of tyranny, anarchy, or enslavement, of the body, mind, and spirit.

Innumerable generations have tangled with this eternal task given to us by our human ancestors, and yet the world is still teeming with all three maladies of societal perversion. When Liberty’s flame starts floundering and flickering we need to induce the embers, and reinvigorate the flame, with appropriate designs. On the other hand, when the flame starts to rage toward the heavens, and flees its well-regulated confines, we ease back on the fuel, and curtail its ferocity. Self-government, so far, is the best instrument to keep that flame under control, but only through the active, honest, and transparent operation of our governing apparatus will we be able to bequeath the blessings of Liberty to the unborn millions yearning to live in freedom. Each of us is personally responsible for safely transporting this jewel of humanity to another generation, and not let the flames consume the craft along the way.

Liberty is the object, self government is the actuator. How one attains it is dependent on the population that bears the legal responsibility to carefully maintain it. Liberty is a liberal notion, and its varying extremes carry destructive tendencies that undermine law and justice, the twin masts that help propel freedoms ship. The noble pilots of the revolutionary generation, just as imperfect as we are today – and, for sure, we are just as able at the helm – were faced with obscene obstacles that persist to this day. They installed a better regulator of Liberty’s ancient dual threats, tyranny and anarchy. These societal perversions have their origin in the intimate passions driving human action for thousands of years. These primitive aspirations are magnified in a large and free population. At times, human reason is dulled by the extreme elements that come with Liberty, and, at other times, enlightened by self-examination.

The relentless spirit of American freedom, and overbearing perseverance and purpose, swings with the peculiar circumstances of time and eternity. Never has there been so much freedom gained, and yet, we have so far to go, all of this being done without an accurate road map. History’s distant echoes tell us that Liberty is not easily controlled, let alone charted, and, at best, temporarily maintained. Liberty is an easier ideal to think about than it is to practice. The wise and virtuous citizens of America, and its future progeny, are in the enviable position to determine their own destiny. We will continue to face unforeseen instances of turmoil that challenge the essence of human Liberty and our national dignity. There is not a hint of doubt in this free and independent mind that American citizens shall continue to responsibly regulate, and surprisingly surmount, Liberty’s extreme propensities, with a vigilant and honest operation of their government. Whether this generation has success or failure, is up to it to decide, the next generation has the same gracious chance. This august project of Liberty’s careful maintenance is eternally woven in the hearts and minds of human kind to protect and carry it forward.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Rush Holt's Crusading Democrat Hoard

WARNING: Do not break the law before, during, or after reading anything I mention.

Rush Holt is propped up by several contributions from political entities, some well known, and others not so. Public servants exist to serve in the interest of citizens they represent, and the constitution they take an oath to defend and uphold. Rush Holt abuses this precious public trust. We placed it in his hands to act on our behalf, and he has recklessly abandoned most of his constituents for partisan pursuits, special interests, and political profits. Mr. Holt lost his independence some time ago, and is continuing to sacrifice our general welfare for a radical element now in control of the Democratic Party and our Congress. Rush Holt will continue to surrender our interests to transient tentacles of civic pollution extending from a crusading Democrat horde that plunders taxpayers, pillages the public purse, and squeezes the economic vitality from our vibrant nation. 

The list of links found below only represents a tiny portion of the public record pertaining to Rush Holt’s campaign benefactors. They are a curious crew of special favorites peddling their influence through Rush Holt's open door policy. The wise citizens of New Jersey's 12th Congressional District must take their seat back on November 2, and forever closing it on Rush Holt and his collusive crew of cronies.

Rush D. Holt’s Campaign Disclosure Form 7/15/2010 - http://images.nictusa.com/pdf/804/10990911804/10990911804.pdf#navpanes=0

http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/42503112.html?c=y – Holt Pac’s

http://www.ucforcalifornia.org/ucsf/bio/fec/?id=394&cycle=2009-2010 – Holt Pac’s

http://politics.usnews.com/congress/holt-rush/donors -

http://www.citizen.org/congress/article_redirect.cfm?ID=7188 – Holt Pac For Responsive Government

http://www.congress.org/congressorg/bio/fec/?id=394&cycle=2003-2004 – Holt Pac’s

http://www.cleanupwashington.org/sii/sii_tables_member.cfm?Names=76 – Holt contributors

http://app.mlogic.mobi/news.jsp?key=334983&rc=ne&p=2 – Holt & Goldman Sachs money $31,000

$5000 to Holt 5/17/2010 - National Community Action Fund - CAP-PAC SEPARATE SEGREGATED FUND - http://www.ncaf.org/ ; NJ Chapter- http://www.njcaanet.org/ ;Green job grants http://www.njba.org/pressReleases/?foundation_awards_grants -

$1500 & $5000 on 4/9/2010, LABORERS' POLITICAL LEAGUE-LABORERS' INTERNATIONAL UNION Terence O’Sullivan, General President - http://www.liuna.org/tabid/69/Default.aspx ; LiUNA’s suspect disclosure activities flagged by Dept. of Labor 2007 - http://ourfinancialsecurity.org/2010/07/liuna-applauds-senate-passage-of-financial-reform/# - http://laborers.com/USDOL-O'Sullivan.doc.htm ; worsening job picture by O’Sullivan - http://newsblaze.com/story/2010070208491700001.bw/topstory.html

$2500 & $2500 to Holt on 4/02/2010 - AMERICAN FEDERATION OF TEACHERS/AFL-CIO http://www.aflcio.org/issues/education/vouchers.cfm - American Federation of Teachers http://www.aft.org/# - AFT Issues - http://www.aft.org/getinvolved/legislative_action.cfm - NJ Chapter - http://nj.aft.org/ - NJ Delegation ratings – Holt 100%- http://www.aflcio.org/issues/legislativealert/votes/index.cfm?location=House&termyear=2009&memberid=&statecode=NJ&act=3&Go.x=8&Go.y=7

$4000 to Holt on 3/31/2010 - THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF HOME BUILDERS - BUILD POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE - http://www.nahb.org/ - http://www.nahb.org/page.aspx/category/sectionID=188 – Issues - http://www.nahb.org/fileUpload_details.aspx?contentID=132899 – Freddie/Fannie support -

$5000 & $3000 to Holt on 3/31/2010 - NEW DEMOCRAT COALITION POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEE - http://www.ndcpac.com/ - Holt and the New Democrat Coalition Pac -

$1000 on 4/1/2010 & $1000 on 12/28/2009- AFSCME - http://www.afscme.org/ - Rally in Trenton - http://www.afscme.org/publications/28327.cfm - NJ Council - http://afscmenj.com/ - Political Activities - http://afscmenj.com/images/stories/volunteeractionteam.pdf - Agreement with NJ State http://afscmenj.com/images/stories/memorandumofagreement.pdf -

$2500 on 1/7/2010 & $2500 on 2/28/2010 - DRIVE PAC - Teamsters Union - http://www.teamster.org/content/about-drive -

http://www.ourcampaigns.com/FECCommitteeDetail.html?FECCommitteeID=1520 – Holt Pac’s

http://fec-political-committee.findthebest.com/detail/6190/RUSH-HOLT-FOR-CONGRESS - Rush Holt for Congress

http://www.phccweb.org/Contractor/WashingtonDetail.cfm?itemnumber=7361 – Plumbing, Heating and Cooling Association “PHCC was instrumental in helping U.S. Rep. Rush Holt (D-NJ) introduce water efficiency legislation that supports employing professional contractors.”

Rush Holt is personally and financially attached to the interests that support him. A majority of the total amount of money flowing into our congressman’s campaign treasure trove comes from special interests and corporate/Washington lobbyists outside of New Jersey or Princeton. They are the funding mechanism that enables Mr. Holt to spread falsehoods and construct nightmares that drive your passions. Mr. Holt has done their bidding, and now they do his, and that of the most radical elements in the Democratic Party. Democrats, and all the venomous vehicles of their apparatus, are pushing a sweeping social agenda, with vigorous and concerted efforts, while they still have a majority in Congress, to alter the relationship between American citizens and the federal government. The wise and free citizens of America must reconfigure the balance of power on November 2, and put these menacing elements in the minority where it belongs.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Rush Holt's Futile Schemes

WARNING: Do not break the law before, during, or after reading anything I mention.

Rush Holt, the radical sophists, mystical dreamers, and dissimulative demagogues nestled in the Democrat Party, are really “the privileged few.” They are controlling Congress, and taking advantage of our dire economic distresses to hastily push through a sweeping social agenda that runs contrary to popular will, common sense, constitutional authority, practical reality, and personal property. If you disagree with this profuse Democrat platform, they will tell you that horrible consequences will surely follow.

Democrats' say everything is in a state of crisis, from education to the environment, from healthcare to the economy, and now they are radically transforming society and the relationship citizens have with the federal government. These troublesome disseminators of worrisome portents have hijacked our Congress, with slim majorities, and are bringing us on a dangerous ride aboard the Utopian Express, next stop on the high speed line, taxpayer insolvency and federal dependency, where there is no liberty, no personal property, no security, no justice, and no personal responsibility - but there is a sunset. They are subjecting all of us to the whimsical dreams of liberal philosophy. Rush Holt has joyfully joined this utopian cabal. He is too willing to participate in the wondrous journey led by the liberal/progressive menace running Congress for the past four years.

Rush Holt sat in Congress for more than a decade, pleasing partisan loyalties, as we watched jobs leave our district, state, and nation, witnessed a plummeting dollar, hindered by commercial restraints, unfair foreign trade practices, an unequal tax structure, rising unemployment, increased foreclosures, and, generally, economic stagnation.

We need to turn back the liberal/progressive manipulators of public trust, treasure, and discretion. We should no longer let our public servants, our rights, our seat, our voice in Congress, and our children's future, be taken for granted by shrewd career politicians, party operatives, special interests, and Washington lobbyists that all prosper at public expense.

During a time of economic distress, threatening foreign dispositions, and extreme political ideologies polarizing populations for political expediency, and distracting this nation from engaging in a sober debate about accomplishing real political reform, economic renewal, and a return to republican principles, we need a representative who is not beholden to any other interest than that of the citizens in New Jersey’s Twelfth Congressional District and the U.S. Constitution. We do not need any more politicians engaging in popular posturing that is so prevalent these days, and one that will not misconstrue enumerated powers. We need someone who does not bathe in the polluted spring of corporate influence, does not bend in the face of liberal extremism and rigorous debate, will not swim in the swamp with special interests, and will not surrender our vote to a misguided element within the Democrat Party. Rush Holt does all of this, and will continue doing so if the wise citizens of the district do not remove him from office on November 2, 2010.

Mr. Holt, and his high-powered public relation firms, and other politically active characters injecting their venomous fictions into the process, are doing what they do best, destroy, defame, and distract. They use fear to move you. We use reason and facts to unmask and dismantle their futile efforts. Rush Holt's campaign war chest is a well stocked treasure trove with liquidity pouring in from a vast assortment of corporate peddlers residing outside the district, which is now being ruthlessly deployed in full force to disguise, distort, and deflect the real issues we face as citizens of a free Republic.

The recent political ads - run by our congressman's team of filthy propagandists and Democrat operatives, combined with the artful practices and financial support of special interest groups - do nothing constructive, but they do conjure up illusory depictions of a mysterious monster, one that is part of “a privileged few,” and one that will plunder your benefits, cut your wages, denigrate your liberties, stifle democracy, and steal the American Dream from you and your loved ones. This is plainly demagoguery. It is so easy to use that no honest or credible public servant should even pay money to demonstrate it, let alone condone it. Rush Holt, and his well served wire-pullers, quickly dispatch ideal evils and construct blatant fabrications to defile the character of their challengers because there can be no justification for, nor defense of, the reckless congressional spending binge that has gone on for too long. Rush Holt has increased the national debt, exacerbated the federal budget deficit, diminished state sovereignty, and ravaged private industry and property with higher taxes and more regulatory burdens. The citizens of the district, state, and nation do not need any more congressional impediments or barriers to prosperity. It is time to cut some purse strings and prune the rapidly growing federal tentacles. We can start on November 2, 2010.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Rush Holt’s Unhealthy Non-Profit Alliance

WARNING: Do not break the law before, during, or after reading anything I mention.

Rush Holt’s alliance with the non-profit health industry is a diseased form of public corruption. Our representative has accumulated several speacial favorites over his decade long residency in Congress. Some have greatly benefited from their cozy relationship with our representative. Many non-profit organizations are doing very well during the “Great Recession” the rest of us are currently experiencing. There is no doubt that certain non-profits perform great public services for the most vulnerable in our district, especially during this uncertain period of economic malaise. It is a fact, though, that they receive private donations, and volunteer efforts, from private citizens and businesses residing in the district. This is needed in a local community, neighbors selflessly helping each other out. Although, these functions should be wholly funded and maintained by state, county, municipalities, private individuals, and businesses, with local taxes, not national resources from the federal government.

The problem with Rush Holt and the liberal/progressive agenda is that they believe Congress can spend federal taxpayer money on anything whatsoever. This mentality springs from a misconstruction of the U.S. Constitution. This is certainly not a recent development, it has been a time tested tradition that many public servants have participated in, and will continue, unless we correct their misguided reading of congressional discretion. It is time for the federal government to stop spending money on all these non-profits, because they can, and should, be sustained by the local resources derived from their own states, counties, townships, and individuals. If the City of Trenton wants to construct and maintain social vehicles for personal improvement that help the most disadvantaged among us, then it is up to the City of Trenton, Mercer County, and New Jersey residents to fund these noble and needed pursuits, not the taxpayers from California, Florida, and New York.

Another problem, maybe even more pernicious, with this federal alliance with non-profits, is that there is too much favoritism, and a strong propensity for certain individuals and organizations to corrupt our public officials for special favors that benefit very few among us. These unfair federal practices must end. All federal appropriations must be attached to a specific duty arising under a constitutionally enumerated power granted to Congress. The federal spiggot of taxpayer money is fully cranked open for all sorts of reasons and endeavors. Valuable national resources are being dangerously diverted during a time when the national debt and federal budget deficits are mounting. These incidents of favoritism and extravagant spending are common occurances that need serious scrutiny.

One particular example of this incidious alliance is the special relationship Marshall Cohen has with Rush Holt. This relationship is one based on reciprocal rewards and favoritism. Mr. Cohen is a beneficiary of taxpayer money, and has special access to our public servant. Both Mr. Cohen and Mr. Holt serve as trustee’s http://bit.ly/dnomBU, http://bit.ly/bxWFju of the Family Guidance Center, which will be the proud recipient of recent federal taxpayer money http://bit.ly/boHkDs. Not only is Mr. Cohen’s and Mr. Holt’s organization receiving federal taxpayer money, dished out by a conduit non-profit, Mr. Cohen has also received the great honor of being the special guest of Rush Holt at the State of the Union Speech http://bit.ly/95Dr4f earlier this year.

Another example of this unhealthy alliance manifests itself in the special relationship between Rush Holt and Judith M. Persichilli from Pennigton, New Jersey, President and CEO of Catholic Health East http://www.che.org/, a non-profit health organization. Mrs. Persichilli is a contributor to Rush Holt http://bit.ly/cZBI2c, http://bit.ly/cJiEee, and Catholic Health East has been the proud recipient of federal taxpayer money http://bit.ly/8Y1gPw.

Rush Holt and his special friends are profiting from taxpayer money at a time when that money should be used servicing the national debt, correcting federal budget imbalances, and providing for our common defense. These are the primary duties of our national government, not funding and maintaining non-profit organizations. This kind of special treatment and access must stop now. It is truly disturbing to this citizen, at least, that this federal behavior is so blatantly accepted. Our public servants in Congress must not be engaged in satisfying the multitude of friendly flatterers and special interests that seek federal favors in the form of grants and access. The citizens of this district, state, and nation must attend to our national duties as individuals of a free Republic, and exert our proper power and influence directly on the process. We are the agents of our own destiny. We can start this November by voting Rush Holt out of office, so our common interests will prevail in Congress, not the select few who have a cozy relationship with our public servant.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Rush Holt's Taxpayer Thievery

WARNING: Do not break the law before, during, or after reading anything I mention.

Rush D. Holt, congressional representative of New Jersey's 12th district, has voted against several bills that let us keep more of our hard earned wages in our own pockets. Mr. Holt's voting record on taxes is horrendous. During his decade long occupancy of our congressional seat, Mr. Holt consistently sought taxpayer money to wastefully spend on misguided adventures. Rush Holt's contemptuous behavior toward our property is truly outrageous. Taxpayers and small businesses, and property rights in general, have been rudely pushed aside by Mr. Holt and his radical Democrat partisans. They have squandered our money, and denigrated our property rights, all for a multitude of utopian instruments that have only perpetuated the social maladies they intend to eradicate. Demagogues of ancient Greece would be very happy with Rush Holt, and the liberal menace now in control of Congress, because they wage a relentless battle against private property rights we retain as citizens of a free Republic. Let us turn back the liberal/progressive menace in November, because it seeks to subvert the best practices of free market capitalism, honest labor, and the sanctity of private property.

In H.R. 3090, the Job Creation and Worker Assistance Act of 2002, which passed by two votes in the House, Rush Holt voted against extending the net operating loss carry back period from two to five years for business losses; a temporary suspension of a specified limit on certain carryovers of such losses for purposes of an alternative tax deduction on them; allowing certain expenses of elementary and secondary school teachers to be taken into account in determining their adjusted gross income; extending a tax credit for qualified electric vehicles, and the availability of medical savings accounts.

In H.R. 3009, the Trade Act of 2002, which passed the House by three votes, Rush Holt voted against a refundable tax credit of 65 percent of the health insurance costs for coverage (including continuation coverage) of the individual, spouse, and dependents of a recipient of Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA), alternative TAA, or a pension benefit guaranty corporation (PBGC) pension; an increase from $400 to $800 the aggregate value of articles exempt from duty acquired abroad by U.S. residents; ensuring trade agreements afford small businesses equal access to international markets, equitable trade benefits, expansion of export market opportunities; and provided for the reduction or elimination of trade barriers that disproportionately affect small business.

In H.R. 1836, the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act 2001, Rush Holt voted against phased in income tax reductions, and increasing the standard deduction for married couples in the 15 percent income tax bracket. In H.R. 1308, the Working Families Tax Relief Act of 2004, Rush Holt was one of sixty-five that voted against extending various expiring tax credits and deductions for working families. Rush Holt also voted against H.R. 2, the Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003, which accelerated previously enacted tax reductions for families, businesses, capital gains and dividends, and H.R. 4520, the American Jobs Creation Act of 2004, which provided tax credits and deductions for small businesses, and tax relief for agriculture and small manufacturers.

In H.R. 4, the Pension Protection Act of 2006, Rush Holt voted against strengthening single and multi employer defined benefit pension plans, and in H.R. 4297, the Tax Increase Prevention and Reconciliation Act of 2005, Mr. Holt voted against small business tax relief and increasing the alternative minimum tax exemption amount for individual taxpayers. Mr. Holt also voted against S. 1932, the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005, which instituted deposit insurance reform, eliminated fraud, waste and abuse in Medicaid, and provided for flexible cost sharing and benefits for Medicaid. Rush Holt also joined the twenty-eight percent of public servants that voted against S. 256, the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005, which strengthened penalties for abusive creditor practices, discouraged bankruptcy abuse, required tougher disclosure standards for consumer credit extensions, defining more clearly FDIC guidelines, and provided for the protection of family farmers and fishermen facing bankruptcy.

Rush Holt voted for H.R. 1424, the Emergency Economic Stability Act of 2008, otherwise known as TARP, which increased the public debt to 11.315 trillion to purchase troubled assets, increased federal authority over financial institutions, provided taxpayer liquidity and assistance to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, extended the federal unemployment surtax, and provided tax incentives for investment in the District of Columbia. Mr. Holt also voted for H.R. 3221, the Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008, that established the Home Ownership Preservation Entity Fund that insured up to $300 billion to refinance loans for distressed borrowers, increased the national debt limit from $9.82 trillion to 10.62 trillion, provided a $7,500 first-time home buyer tax credit, and encouraged Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to securitize more mortgages.

Rush Holt voted for H.R. 5240, the Economic Stimulus Act of 2008, which reduced tax rebates by 5% of the amount that exceeds an adjusted gross income of $75,000 ($150,000 for joint returns), and to appropriate $215,590,000 to the Financial Management Service for salaries and expenses, and to the IRS for operations support. Mr. Holt was also one of the seven that pushed health care reform over the top for passage by voting for H.R. 3590, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2009.

H.R. 3590 was a legislative monstrosity that gave broad discretionary powers to the Secretary of Labor and Health and Human Services to determine what is an appropriate health care plan, added a multi layered bureaucratic regime of new agencies, commissions, and administrators to manage and study health care, imposed an annual fee on branded prescription drug sales exceeding $5 million, gross sales receipts exceeding $5 million of manufacturers, and importers of certain medical devices. Rush Holt also voted for H.R.1, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, which appropriated $50 million to fund art projects and activities, $1.2 billion for youth activities, $700 million for comparative effectiveness research conducted by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, and $300 million to support efforts toward health information exchange.

This record is only a snapshot of Rush Holt's career casting votes for us in Congress. It is a fiscally irresponsible record. Rush Holt has followed his partisan colleagues down a utopian path that denigrates property rights, increases our national debt, expands federal reach, authority, and discretion, all the while running up the federal budget deficit. We can limit more taxpayer distresses, economic uncertainties, and burgeoning federal debt and deficits, if we remove Rush Holt from our seat in Congress. In November, the wise citizens of New Jersey's 12th Congressional District will end Rush Holt's congressional reign, and free us from the radical agenda now being forced through Congress by an elitist cabal of progressive demagogues.

Rush Holt's Failed Attempts

WARNING: Do not break the law before, during, or after reading anything I mention.

Representative Rush D. Holt has been in Congress for more than a decade, surely he must have done something to be remembered for, as the wise citizens of New Jersey's 12th Congressional District ready themselves to remove him from office on November 2, 2010. Other than voting for and against bills in Congress, the other privilege a public servant has is to introduce legislation to benefit the nation. This legislative activity tells us a great deal about Mr. Holt. The record clearly reveals that he has been unable to persuade others in Congress to give their assent to his proposals. Rush Holt's ineffective record in getting his own laws passed shows us that his views are generally rejected by most of his colleagues in Congress, and in both political parties. When you look at the public record, Mr. Holt has not done much at all. Do not take me wrong, it is very good that there are public servants in Congress that have stopped Mr. Holt's misguided efforts, no matter what party they reside in. Let us take a closer look at our congressman's ill-conceived legislative proposals.

H.R. 3472 is one particular bill introduced by Rush Holt in the 106th Congress that show his contempt for our fundamental rights as citizens, and his radically suspicious and expansive views. This bill was introduced 11/18/1999 and sought to amend "the Federal criminal code to require the Attorney General to establish a Federal system for the licensing and registration of all handguns owned, possessed, or controlled in the United States, which shall include a method for easily retrieving information to identify: (1) each State resident who owns, possesses, or controls a handgun; and (2) the handgun." Citizens of America were saved from this blatant assault on gun ownership, and outright suspicion of citizens. Rush Holt's expansive federal schemes, and distrust for law abiding citizens, was totally rejected by his fellow colleagues in Congress, and H.R. 3472 was shot down and died in committee, never becoming the intrusive instrument it was intended to be.

The very next Congress, the 107th, Rush Holt introduced the same legislative language in H.R. 114, the Handgun Licensing and Registration Act of 2001. Mr. Holt did not learn much from the previous congressional session. H.R. 114 suffered the same fate as its predecessor. This bill was introduced 1/3/2001 and was referred to the Subcommittee on Crime, where it died in the same manner as the previous endeavor. Mr. Holt's persistence and energy flows in the wrong direction, and takes a contrary path from the majority of Congress, and a majority of citizens in CD-12. Most of Rush Holt's ill-judged proposals can be found in committee trash cans.

Rush Holt has proved he cannot be trusted with our confidence. His actions in Congress, with regard to these particular issues, have been beaten back by his colleagues moderate sentiments. It is great to know that there are still public servants that can stand up to Rush Holt's expansionist attempts. Now it is time for the citizens of CD-12 to stand up to Rush Holt's voracious appetite for more federal power, authority, regulation, and discretion. Mr. Holt does not hold the same moderate views as his constituents. He does not trust law abiding citizens that own guns, and would subject them all to an intrusive expansion of congressional power and regulation. The only individuals Rush Holt empowers are federal bureaucrats. These two bills Rush Holt tried to pass would do nothing to criminals that steal registered handguns and sell them out of the trunks of cars.  There are already enough regulatory measures placed on law abiding citizens. We need to send Rush Holt a message in November, that our second amendment rights will never be surrendered.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Rush Holt's Obnoxious Concoctions

WARNING: Do not break the law before, during, or after reading anything I mention.

Rush Holt, and several of his radical colleagues, continually creates obnoxious appropriations that raid the taxpayer purse for special benefits to be handed out to a few connected recipients. Rush Holt firmly stood with partisan allies to narrowly pass many expansive, and expensive bills this year. Several of these mountainous appropriation bills, emanating from the petulant 111th Congress, which became public law, contain curious allotments of taxpayer dollars.

We need to scrutinize all congressional expenditures. Rush Holt's tenure is marked by misappropriations and maladministration of taxpayer funds. At a time when austerity is sorely needed in Congress, Mr. Holt continues to recklessly disburse public treasure on ridiculous programs. He must believe that the federal government can simply spend money on any conceivable project. This blatant display of contempt for our trust, and misconstruction of public power and budgetary discretion, deserves outright denunciation.

H.R. 3288, a monstrous appropriation bill, Rush Holt voted for spending $124 million on Seat Belt Performance Grants, $139 million for Alcohol-Impaired Driving Countermeasures Incentive Grant Program, $4 million for the city and county of Honolulu to operate a ferry boat service demonstration, $80 million to restore Pacific salmon populations, $10 million for prisoner reentry research, and $300 thousand for a program to support student and parent mock elections.

In H.R. 2997, another wasteful display of extravagance filled with excessive spending, Rush Holt voted for $1 million to fund a food animal residue avoidance database program, $80 million for breastfeeding peer counselors, and $216 million for the Center for Tobacco Products. In the same bloated bill, Mr. Holt voted to derive $578 million from prescription drug user fees and $57 million from medical device user fees to pay for all these ridiculous programs.

In H.R. 2918, a legislative branch appropriation bill, Rush Holt voted to spend $25 million for salaries and expenses for house leadership offices, $20 thousand for the house family room, $200 thousand for digitizing culturally significant and historic materials for the Durham Museum in Omaha, Nebraska – which has nothing to do with the legislative branch - $191 million for salaries for compensation and expenses of house officers and employees, and $276 million in contributions for health, retirement, Social Security, and other benefits. Federal salaries and benefits should be cut by at least 10% for those not defending this nation.

In H.R. 1105, an omnibus appropriation bill passed by the grabbing 111th Congress, Rush Holt voted to spend $100 million for boll weevil eradication programs, $469 thousand for the design and construction of an agriculture pest facility in the State of Hawaii, and $80 million for salmon fisheries.

This list of wasteful spending is a very small sample of what was actually spent by Congress, when factoring out salaries and benefits, represents about $1 billion. That is $10 billion over a decade that could be better spent elsewhere, say, securing our borders, servicing our national debt, or letting taxpayers keep it.  The taxpayers of New Jersey's 12th congressional district deserve better representation. Rush Holt has squandered taxpayer money on a multitude of programs that the federal government should not be funding. These programs should be under the purview of state governments, with local resources and labor. Time after time, Rush Holt votes with his partisan colleagues. They are forcing their expansionist will with slim majorities, recklessly spending our public treasure on pet projects for special favorites. These practices are unfair, fiscally unsound, not a duty of the federal head.

Every dollar counts. One million here, and another million there, soon it amounts to billions, which could be better spent paying off our national debt, securing our nation, and defending our common interests, not reckless concoctions to end all ills. The federal government is drifting further and further away from its primary objectives. It is being distracted by too many acquired duties that have nothing to do with any enumerated power in the U.S. Constitution. How many priorities can there be? Our national debt and common defense are the primary objectives for the federal government. We need to rein in extravagant spending and discretionary authority. We can start by voting Rush Holt out of office in November, ending his reckless spending endeavor.

Rush Holt's Radical Tenor

WARNING: Do not break the law before, during, or after reading anything I mention.

What has Rush Holt done for us lately? He expanded federal reach, authority, power, discretion, and deficits. In H.R. 4173, the financial strangulation bill - the latest unread legislative behemoth spewed forth by an impetuous Democratic Congress - Mr. Holt followed the beaten partisan path and voted for more bureaucratic layers and phantom fixes.

Each added layer will be staffed with a gluttonous retinue of salaried pensioners and careerists micromanaging the books of thousands of businesses. Those unelected bureaucrats, each salivating over the budgetary trough, seeking comfort and security in their obscure positions, will invent and implement complex administrative laws, strict statutes, and a penumbra of procedures for an all-assuming and voracious federal head. It is time for the citizens of New Jersey’s 12th Congressional District to halt Mr. Holt’s imprudent schemes.

The new financial regime, concocted by Rush Holt and the most radical Democrats controlling the 111th Congress, made the following bureaucratic additions to an already enlarged federal sphere: 1) the Financial Stability Oversight Council, 2) the Office of Financial Research, 3) the Office of Minority and Women Inclusion, 4) the Federal Insurance Office, 5) the Energy and Environmental Markets Advisory Committee, 6) the Investor Advisory Committee, 7) the Office of Investor Advocate, 8) the Office of Municipal Securities, 9) the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection, 10) the Consumer Advisory Board, and 11) the Office of Housing Counseling, just to name a few.

Dense foliage will grow from these newly sprouted federal tentacles. Swift shadows will stretch far and wide over our republican realm of liberty. A heavy frost on economic activity will creep in due to an array of uncertainties emanating from cumbersome regulatory measures, intrusive enforcement procedures, broad discretionary power, and enhanced supervisory authority. A multitude of studies, research reports, and exhaustive examinations will be conducted. There are several new disclosure mandates, and the sharing of that private information with many federal government agencies, and international entities. Too many of these expansive schemes are unnecessary intrusions that will ultimately consume precious time, waste valuable resources, and damper economic recovery.

In sections 204 and 205, the former dealing with the orderly liquidation of covered financial companies, and the latter dealing with the orderly liquidation of covered brokers and dealers, a supposed Lehman Brothers fix, may even do nothing to prevent capital markets from experiencing drastic psychological disturbances. We all witnessed, and many participated in, the real-time rapid depletion of market value in the autumn of 2008. Many celebrified economic pundits noted the manner in which the Lehman incident occurred as being a major catalyst for the initial phase of mass market mayhem. We are kidding ourselves, and it is disingenuous of public servants like Rush Holt to suggest, that these newly created agencies, commissions, and councils will be able to prevent another Lehman episode.

It does not matter when, where, by whom, and how a financial institution is dismantled. What will matter, though, is that a financial institution is being liquidated. Whether it is done by new federal agencies, or under existing structures, led by free and independent market participants, the act of liquidation itself can drastically erode confidence, especially if the designated institution for liquidation is a major component of the national economy. These new layers of federal bureaucracies will not have a special ability to accurately predict, or competently prevent, market instability, large bankruptcies, criminal behavior, bear raids, panics, and frozen liquidity.

Quite simply, too many companies, and individuals, were over-leveraged. The federal government is over-leveraged. We are now undergoing a de-leveraging process in the private sector that is being artificially manipulated by the continual hindrances hurled by Congress. We need to de-leverage the federal balance sheet. Many financial institutions relied on fantastical algorithmic computer models to determine risk, exotic financial instruments to hedge it, and investment vehicles to disperse it. When these human inventions failed, panic spread, the federal government stepped in, and taxpayer liquidity was granted. Congress should not be determining what companies can exist or perish. This is a free market determination.

There should be no favoritism, most especially with bankruptcy laws, given the constitutional mandate of uniformity. This detached actual consequences from risk, and reality, because of an implicit guarantee, especially unfairly granted to the largest financial institutions, that their assets, and poor fiscal judgment, were backed by the full faith and credit of the federal printing press and taxpayers. If Congress is having such a difficult time managing our own federal budget, then how could they manage the balance sheets of thousands of public and private companies, and responsible for determining the suitable level of risk on the books? Congress cannot even determine the risk of its own endeavors, how can they possibly perform these intricate duties?

Rush Holt, and so many public servants, has failed to provide any real leadership on these pressing concerns. Mr. Holt does not completely understand the ramifications of his decisions, or our precarious fiscal arrangement. He has placed several new bureaucratic impediments in the path of prosperity. During a time of economic malaise we should be dismantling barriers to growth, not erecting new obstacles in the path to economic renewal. Sure there are certain aspects of H.R. 4173 that can be accepted. If the best provisions of this massive bill were put into separate legislative instruments, and fully debated, maybe this bill could have garnered more supporters than it did.

The radical tenor emanating from Rush Holt and this Democrat Congress is being carried by the laws they enact. Real growth and prosperity is greatly inhibited by a national leadership vacuum that produces confusion, contention, consternation, and conflagration. This political void can be an opportunity for our common advancement, or an avenue for demagogues to divide and conquer us. The wise and virtuous citizens residing in New Jersey’s 12th Congressional District, and the nation at large, must be an impediment to these contortionist attempts by Congress. We need to free ourselves from the innumerable burdens that restrain and distort economic virtue and vitality. November will be a day to take back the reins of government from Mr. Holt and his Democrat colleagues, and redirect this misguided utopian journey back to practical reality.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Rush Holt’s Weak Defense Posture

WARNING: Do not break the law before, during, or after reading anything I mention.

Rush Holt’s voting record in Congress on national security issues is a disgrace that his constituents and fellow citizens should be aware of. Mr. Holt veers from the nation’s general interest. Several curious votes have been cast during his lengthy tenure, which have taken a contrary course from a sound security policy. These votes, cast on our behalf, need to be known in order to arrive at a proper assessment of Rush Holt, the public servant, not the private man. Certainly, respect for Mr. Holt as a human being, a husband, a step-father, a son, a scientist, and citizen, is very much warranted, but his voting record should be separated from the individual, and scrutinized by every citizen. The primary objective for public servants assembled in Congress is to provide for our common defense. All other treasures flow from this basic human necessity. Life, liberty, property, justice, and social tranquility can only be present when there is peace, internal and external.

Rush Holt consistently falls in line with the most partisan members of Congress. He mysteriously shows up in obscure minorities vote after vote. Mr. Holt was one of the 24% that voted against the National Missile Defense Act of 1999 http://bit.ly/a0juGn, and was one of 14% to vote against the US/India Nuclear Cooperation Promotion Act http://bit.ly/d2w4ow. Mr. Holt was one of four members of New Jersey’s congressional delegation joining the 16% that voted against H.R. 4939, which provided emergency supplemental funding for our soldiers http://bit.ly/a1ALYr, and also accompanied the 5% that voted against the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007 http://bit.ly/bC76ca. He joined the 16% who voted against H.R. 2360 Homeland Security appropriations http://bit.ly/dxwOde, critical resources needed to ensure our domestic security. A contrarians approach might be acceptable when dealing with free capital markets and discernable risk, but when it deals with the security of this nation, and the lives of soldiers and citizens, political posturing performs a great disservice, and wounds our national character.

When we are secure in our vocation, our family relationships, the confines of our homes, and are sufficiently enlightened by a rigorous self-examination, supported by an honest industry, then we will be a free and independent nation. We are rational and resourceful creatures, capable enough to make informed decisions and practical applications, constantly checking our passions so they do not unduly diminish reason, distort perceptions, disturb public discourse, and impede upon the general welfare. Mr. Holt’s voting record can only speak for itself, if it is known. He may be an honorable man in private life, and public pursuits, like a vast majority of people, but he consistently does a bad job as a public servant with the trust given to him to protect our national security interests.

Time after time, vote after vote, Rush Holt continually finds himself gravitating toward curious groups voting against important legislation trying to make this nation, and all of us, safer. Mr. Holt’s political persuasion and partisan loyalties are not in line with the general sentiments of his constituents, and are detrimental to the nation’s interest. Why has Rush Holt taken such extreme positions? Most constituents of the district would not be joining Rush Holt on these votes if they were in Congress. The problem with Mr. Holt is that he does not truly represent his constituent’s common interests. In fact, Mr. Holt serves at his own pleasure, advocating his own personal interest, and that of his most extreme colleagues controlling the Democrat Party, and with it, our Congress. The record of Rush Holt’s past actions provides us with a flavor of future actions to come. I have faith in the wise citizens of New Jersey’s 12th Congressional District, that they will end Rush Holt’s misguided adventure in November.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Rush Holt's Ruinous Border Policy

WARNING: Do not break the law before, during, or after reading anything I mention.

Rush Holt’s voting record on national security is one filled with misguided actions, false assessments, and pleasing partisan loyalties. More specifically, Mr. Holt’s record on border security is as weak as the border is porous. He voted against bills that sought to stop drug and weapon smugglers, kidnappers, illegal immigrants, human traffickers, criminal marauders, and many other intrusive, subversive, and foreign assailants invading this nation every day, or at least wanting to. There is a serious problem on our southern border and Rush Holt fails to recognize it.

The enfeebled governments south of the border, especially our Mexican neighbor, are not having any success at all controlling the murderous atrocities now being committed on the border. These mismanaged problems have spilled over into our country, and is preventing us from enjoying the peace, liberty, security, and social tranquility we deserve as free citizens of an independent republic. It is time to clean out a festering sore that insidiously spreads its malignant streams into our national discourse. Before the November reckoning, we need to pause, and spend more time reflecting on Rush Holt’s very poor voting record. If we cannot ensure the integrity of our national borders, we cease to exist as a sovereign and independent nation.

Mr. Holt’s decade-long occupancy in Congress is marked by intemperate obstructions. He voted against H.R. 1141 (106th) 1999-2000 http://bit.ly/dndX6O, which provided $80 million “to support increased detention requirements for Central American criminal aliens and to address the expected influx of illegal immigrants from Central America as a result of Hurricane Mitch,” $750,000 “to expand the Southwest Border High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area” in New Mexico, and $750,000 “for the Southwest Border High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area” in Arizona.

Rush Holt was one of the 30% that tried to obstruct the passage of H.R. 5005 (107th) 2001-2002, the Homeland Security Act of 2002 http://bit.ly/aW2p2s. This significant piece of legislation - passed by more than two-thirds majority in the House, gaining the assent of ninety Senators, and receiving the President’s signature - was a step in the right direction. Rush Holt did not approve of this important step toward securing our borders. This bill gathered up disparate federal agencies and placed them in one department, with one budget, and one mission. The Directorate of Border and Transportation Security was created and is tasked with “preventing the entry of terrorists and the instruments of terrorism into the United States; securing the borders…carrying out the immigration enforcement functions” and “establishing and administering” necessary “rules governing the granting of visas.” The Directorate is responsible for “establishing national immigration enforcement policies and priorities.”

Rush Holt also voted against H.R. 6061 (109th) 2005-2006, the Secure Fence Act of 2006 http://bit.ly/ceIalg. He was one of the 32% to vote no, and one of the four representatives out of twelve from New Jersey’s delegation to do the same. This bill included provisions dealing with “systemic border surveillance” and “physical infrastructure enhancements,” which required “at least two layers of reinforced fencing, installation of additional physical barriers, roads, lighting, cameras, and sensors.” What are Rush Holt’s priorities? Obviously not the security of our borders, or our national interests, but, instead, they are partisan priorities.

The wise constituents of New Jersey’s 12th Congressional District must familiarize themselves with the sobering facts regarding Rush Holt’s dubious, and not well known, voting record dealing with border security. After all his noble speeches are made, and all the votes are finally tallied, Rush Holt consistently shows up in small minorities voting against a more secure and robust border policy. Given the sobering realities of a complex global arrangement, an array of threatening foreign dispositions, fragile relationships, and temporary alliances, suggests to this citizen, at least, that Rush Holt should not cast votes in Congress anymore. Mr. Holt is wrong on border security and the wrong choice in November. Rush Holt’s actions are harmful to our border security, and diminish our national sovereignty. Send Mr. Holt a message from the ballot box saying that you are fed up with partisan ploys and dissimulative exploits.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Rush Holt's Other Side

WARNING: Do not break the law before, during, or after reading anything I mention.

Rush Holt exploits the most heartfelt emotions of his constituents. He uses them, their unique situation in society, and the peculiar passions that they are personally attached to, for political advantage, like so many other public officials do, and will continue doing. Rush Holt, and the most extreme Democrat persuasions in Congress, paints every issue with partisan colors. They utilize specious arguments for divisive ends, and pose wicked visions and terrible specters as consequences for not consenting to their utopian schemes. Since our representative is so fond of using veterans, and every other categorized constituent, for popular posturing and pathetic pandering, then it is appropriate for us to take a closer look at Mr. Holt's other side, when he turned his back on veterans.

Rush Holt's record on national security is very troubling, and will be discussed in the near future. His voting record dealing with veterans is somewhat better. Where Mr. Holt has performed well for veterans he should be commended. That is the good side of our representative; but, as we have come to know, or will find out more in the future, Rush Holt has another side, one that is downright disgraceful and hypocritical. Rush Holt is a part-time advocate. He chooses when and when not to support specific constituents. At certain times, Mr. Holt firmly stands at your side, and other times, he abandons you for the sake of some partisan profit or allegiance to obscure principles that do not reflect our general sentiments. Mr. Holt's inconsistency is well documented, and the following items are only tiny portions of a lengthy public record.

If Rush Holt is such a great advocate for veterans then why did he vote against H.R. 3010 (109th) 2005-2006, which provided $1.9 million for the National Veterans Employment and Training Services Institute, and $29.5 million for the Homeless Veterans Reintegration Programs and the Veterans Workforce Investment Programs? Why did Mr. Holt vote against H.R. 2684 (106th) 1999-2000, which guaranteed $48 million for transitional housing loans for the Homeless Veterans Program Account, and $321 million for medical and prosthetic research?

Rush Holt was one of the 13% who voted against H.R. 4546 (107th) 2001-2002. This bill, which became a law just like all bills mentioned in this piece, included a 10% increase for "military retired pay for enlisted personnel credited with extraordinary heroism in the line of duty." It also "extended the period of eligibility for the use of Selected Reserve educational assistance under the Montgomery GI Bill to 14 years." Mr. Holt was also one of the 11% who voted against H.R. 2116 (106th) 1999-2000, which provided nursing home care for veterans, and "a program to enhance the provision of specialized mental health services to veterans" dealing with PTSD and substance abuse issues. The bill also included extending "the veterans readjustment counseling program" and "a program for furnishing housing assistance for homeless veterans."

How can Rush Holt claim to be a champion for veterans with a voting record like this? Let us retire Rush Holt in November. The citizens of New Jersey's 12th Congressional District have had enough partisan politics.  We do not need any more opportunistic manipulators playing with our fears and hopes for political profit.

Rush Holt's Disturbing Duality

WARNING: Do not break the law before, during, or after reading anything I mention.

Rush Holt is a political partisan in its most extreme form. He consistently supports disturbing political interests that diverge from the general interest of New Jersey's 12th Congressional District. Rush Holt is an opportunistic political creature. He has exhibited a curious display of colors that are well adapted to the environment where he prowls. If you closely follow Rush Holt's voting record, you will see a trail of misguided adventures led by the most radical Democrat's in Congress. The voters in district 12 must send Rush Holt home in November. We do not need a representative that serves interests other than ours. It is time to exert our rightful influence as citizens and cast aside the career politician obstructing our general will. Mr. Holt's voting record does not accurately represent his public pronouncements. Although this exercise represents a small sample of a larger, and more disturbing, voting record, it does reflect upon the nature of our representative, and his troublesome actions.

If Rush Holt is a strong proponent of education, and a worthy advocate for teachers, then why did he vote against those interests on several occasions, especially when he was in the minority? A closer look at Mr. Holt's dismal voting record clearly reflects that he has acted, and will continue to act, as a partisan Democrat, aligned against our collective welfare. The votes he makes for us have been turned over to the reckless will of a radical element nestled in the hierarchy of the Democrat Party. Why did Rush Holt vote against H.R. 1141 (106th) 1999-2000, which provided $56 million for educating the disadvantaged?

Why did our congressman vote against H.R. 3090 (107th) 2001-2002, which enabled teachers a tax deduction on income for school supplies paid for out of their own pockets, and also voting against extending this teacher tax deduction in H.R. 1308 (108th) 2003-2004, the very next congressional session? Why did Rush Holt vote against providing $5 million "for national service scholarships for high school students performing community service" in H.R. 2684 (106th) 1999-2000?

Why did our representative vote against H.R. 3010 (109th) 2005-2006, which provided $6.8 billion "for making payments under Head Start Act[,]" $100 million "for competitive grants to local educational agencies, including charter schools...to develop and implement performance-based teacher and principle compensation systems in high-need schools[,]" and $1.5 million "to provide information on diagnosis, intervention, and teaching strategies for children with disabilities?" This is not the voting record of a consistent advocate for education and teachers.

We must hold Rush Holt accountable for this reckless partisan adventure. We must get an explanation for the votes he casts in Congress. Rush Holt must provide specific reasons why he voted against the interest of education and teachers while proudly proclaiming to be their champion in Congress. Rush Holt's duality is worrisome. His political partisanship is second only to Nancy Pelosi. They have taken us for a ride on the Utopian Express, using every issue and crisis as a means to extend their radical ideology, and expansive political schemes, all the while dangerously blowing through every check and balance in the way, and fueling their journey with taxpayer money. It is time to stop the train of abuses that is hurling down the track, soaking up our liberty and property along the way. The only remedy is to change conductors. We can start this November by voting Rush Holt out of our seat.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Rush Holt's Political Patronage

WARNING: Do not break the law before, during, or after reading anything I mention.

Rush Holt contributor Alan M. Hershey, Senior Fellow at Mathematica Policy Research, Inc. http://bit.ly/dlQK1i in Princeton is another special favorite of our representative. Mr. Hershey, and his research company, are part of the corrosive tentacles of corruption that have ensnared our representative, and many other public servants and officials alike, in an entangled web of special access, influence, privilege, and reciprocal benefits. A political disease is steadily eating away the moral fabric of civic virtue. Sometimes the awful spectacles of nepotism and patronage expose themselves squarely in the daylight for all eyes to gaze upon; but, the great multitude, slide right by us as they traverse the darkened corridors of Congress, and the gilded streets in the District of Columbia, with a virulent persistence to seek out and feast on taxpayer dollars that nourish their activities and perpetuate their existence.

Mr. Hershey is a contributor to Rush Holt. Mr. Hershey and associates http://bit.ly/9j4KNQ have been well served http://bit.ly/bvX4IM http://bit.ly/axrcZi http://bit.ly/cKI5RL by Rush Holt. Mr. Holt, and several of his congressional colleagues, have fully cranked open the barrel tap of taxpayer monies to Alan Hershey and Mathematica Policy Research. They continually drink from an endlessly flowing fountain and arrogantly expect taxpayer’s to pick up the tab. They have been treated with gifts of patronage and bountiful bundles of liquidity to carry out their social research. They are a constituent part of the troublesome crew of special favorites that control our public servants and our purse strings. They infect the legislative process and squander resources that should be used to pay off the national debt and balance the federal budget. Mr. Hershey, I am sorry to say, is only one of several individuals, and corporate entities, that profit from the public purse, which has been willingly, and recklessly, opened very wide for a gluttonous entourage to devour.

We must vote Rush Holt, and his partisan crew of cronies, out of our seat in Congress, and get his liberal hands, and his greedy little friends, out of our pockets, and far away from the legislative process. Rush Holt has taken our consent for granted, misappropriated our money, and mal-administered our interests. He, and a formidable few, stands in the way of real political reform. We need a public servant that will not veer from our general welfare, nor shrink from responsibility. Rush Holt has seemingly sacrificed our collective interest because he chooses to be an ardent partisan and fiscally extravagant.

Our sovereignty, independence, and solvency, as citizens of New Jersey’s 12th Congressional District, is threatened by subversive streams of power and influence slowly weathering away the trust and confidence we have in our public servants and officials. These scrupulous elements of social manipulation and insidious patronage have induced Rush Holt into relinquishing his responsibility to promote the district’s general welfare. Since he entered office more than a decade ago, he has only represented the special interest of a select few inside and outside the district. They are the true beneficiaries of Rush Holt’s career in public service, not the vast majority of district citizens. Most of us in the district are not benefiting like Rush Holt’s little favorites. Mr. Holt has left a long and wasteful legacy of special favors during his tenure in office. By acting in such a manner, Mr. Holt has clearly supplanted the district’s general welfare with that of his own, the most radical Democrat partisans in Congress, and all the influence peddlers residing in Princeton, Trenton, and the District of Columbia. We must take back the reins of power and influence, and reassert, reaffirm, and redirect our civic energies as proprietors of government, to remove the corrosive tentacles of corruption that squeeze the virtue from our public servants, and diminish our liberty.

We can put an end to this long dreary episode of political patronage and favoritism that has gone on for decades, if we summon up the courage to vote.  This district deserves political reforms, not political rewards to a few. This November make political patronage surrender.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Rush Holt's Corrosive Tentacles of Corruption

WARNING: Do not break the law before, during, or after reading anything I mention.

Rush Holt is tightly ensnared by the corrosive tentacles of corruption. The serpent of political intrigue has unleashed a multitude of influence peddlers that are fatally squeezing all the virtue and independence from our public servants. Our precious liberties and republican principles are being choked out by a deadly grasp. This is the sad state of political affairs we are faced with in New Jersey's 12th Congressional District. It is a microcosm of what is terribly wrong with our governing arrangement. Rush Holt is held hostage by a troublesome retinue of flattering favorites that prevent real reform. They have supplanted our general welfare with partisan zeal, parochial interests, and other venomous vehicles that threaten our sovereignty, and restrain our consent. It is time for all citizens of the district, state, and nation, to exercise their proper and legitimate power. We need to make our influence known at the ballot box this November, and take back our rightful station as proprietors of government.

If you take a look at Rush Holt’s most recent campaign disclosure records http://bit.ly/d60D9d you will see that he is well funded by corporate lobbyists and Washington D.C. insiders. Most of the money comes from outside the state, and, more specifically, Washington D.C. There are a few contributions from New Jersey. Mark Matzen http://bit.ly/aKb79d http://linkd.in/deZH3v is one of Rush Holt's corrupted cronies that is well rewarded, but not well known. He just received $7000 for campaign consulting through FiftyOne Percent, LLC, and has been crawling around Rush Holt’s web of power and influence for some time now. I wonder who in the relationship is in charge. It does not look like we are. Mr. Matzen is definitely a special favorite of our congressman, and is well rewarded http://bit.ly/bDVDWN, http://bit.ly/aE2OYO for his loyalty. He is a political operator for the Democrat Party and was involved with some disturbing political improprieties http://bit.ly/apDGKF, http://bit.ly/9acFe3, http://bit.ly/9I7aod. Mr. Matzen is part of the revolving door policy that has polluted Washington D.C., and New Jersey. His political alliance with Representative Holt, if we can even call him a representative, is well documented, and this is only a very small portion. Mr. Matzen is a professional corporate lobbyist that has peddled influence inside and outside of Rush Holt's office. Mr. Matzen and his friends at MWW Group http://bit.ly/cIUqtS, http://bit.ly/crR9AW have benefited from contributing to Mr. Holt’s campaign treasure chest over the years, using him as a special conduit to the halls of Congress.

Mark Matzen is one of Rush Holt’s special favorites. Mr. Matzen, and MWW, have greatly benefited from the special relationship they have established with Rush Holt. They have special influence and easy access to our public servant. Yet these are only small sections in the web of corruption that Rush Holt has spun over his decade long career in Congress. It is time for the wise citizens of New Jersey's 12th Congressional District to remove Rush Holt from office, and sever all the corrosive tentacles of corruption that threaten republican virtue. We are the only legitimate interest that should influence our representative’s actions. In November, though, we have a chance to clean up Congress, and remove every vestige of special interest and greed that corrupts our officials, discredits the legislative process, diminishes our will, and denigrates our national character. We will do what is right in November, because it is our duty, as informed citizens of a free republic, to correct the balance of power when it becomes necessary.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Scott Sipprelle Will Serve At Our Pleasure

WARNING: Do not break the law before, during, or after reading anything I mention.

It is time for the citizens of New Jersey’s 12th Congressional District to hold Representative Rush Holt to account for a voting record that runs contrary to the common interest of the district, state, and nation. Mr. Scott Sipprelle http://www.supportscott2010.com/ is the candidate we should elect this November, and send him to Congress to fix the several problems his opponent has incompetently resided over for the past decade. The time has come for Rush Holt to lay down his partisan fiddle, recognize the flames are curling under his seat, and return to the research lab at Princeton University, where his skills are better suited.

At every turn, Rush Holt stands firmly against our common interests. The only real interest he has faithfully and fervently served is that of the Democrat Party, and the barrel loads of money flowing into his campaign war chest from radical liberal elements and corporate lobbyists, which greatly diminishes our sovereignty. Rush Holt has surrendered our interests to Washington lobbyists and bureaucrats. When Mr. Holt first went to Congress more than a decade ago, he wanted to end the partisanship plaguing our nation. Well, see what a decade in Washington D.C. can do to the most sincere among us. Mr. Holt has become inebriated with all the power and influence swirling about the halls of Congress. Corporate and Washington D.C. lobbyists have contributed a disproportionate amount of money to our representative, if we can even call him that, and seduced him with cajoling characters stroking his ego for special favors in the form of federal grants and contracts funded by taxpayer dollars, and crafting legislative language.

These insidious miscreants corrupt legislation through our representative. They lurk in the crevices of Congress. They have supplanted the consent of the governed, and pose a serious barrier to real political reform and threaten republican principles. They implant convoluted provisions, appropriate obnoxious allotments, and erect evasive loopholes, which are surreptitiously inserted into enormous bills, in the dark of night, without fully exposing the true elements, passed with procedural gimmicks and deception, ultimately benefiting very few of us in the district. This November the wise citizens of New Jersey’s 12th Congressional District must let Rush Holt know that our interest will prevail in the halls of Congress, not the partisan cronies looking for federal favors.

Quite frankly, we can no longer afford to keep Rush Holt is office any longer. He has plundered our purse, and supplanted our general welfare with all his special favorites deeply embedded in the District of Columbia, Princeton University, and the City of Trenton. The nation’s capitol has degenerated itself into a bastion of special interests prying away our consent to be governed. Who are we governed by? The answer is supposed to be ourselves, but that is not the case in New Jersey’s 12th congressional district. This is a direct assault on our liberty, independence, and republican principles. The only people Rush Holt should be beholden to is the people of this district. Mr. Scott Sipprelle, Holt’s opponent, is a citizen who owes nothing to any special interests, or corporate lobbyists. He will serve at our pleasure, and never sacrifice our common interest, nor surrender our sovereignty, to the most radical elements of the Democrat Party, or any other interest that aligns itself against our own. Elect Scott Sipprelle in November and we will return our voice, and our interest, to the House of Representatives.

Rush Holt Cannot Be Trusted

WARNING: Do not break the law before, during, or after reading anything I mention.

Rush Holt is not the right person we need in Congress during these trying economic uncertainties. He has proven to us that he cannot be trusted with taxpayer money, and does not really understand the totality of the circumstances driving our complex global economy and fiscal distresses. What he does understand, very well though, is how to recklessly spend our money. We need to drastically cut back on all spending, scrutinize every expenditure to every department, especially salaries and pensions, and let taxpayers keep more of their income and property, so we can prop up our own families, and with it our national economy, like Americans have done, and will continue to do, so long as we are not hampered by expansive bureaucracies and regulatory impediments, which breed confusion and apprehension, borne from political uncertainties. We do not need the federal printing press and foreign credit to be successful, because it will only debase our currency, defile our national character, and diminish our independence.

The record speaks for itself. In 2006, Rush Holt made the following statements during a congressional hearing in regard to science and technology funding. He was not the least bit concerned about the national debt and federal deficit. “We, each day when we cast our vote, are deciding the future of our nation; we are deciding the future for our children, our grandchildren, and our great-grandchildren. We are creating a legacy for which history will hold us accountable.” I am sorry Mr. Holt, but the citizens of this district need accountability now, we can’t afford to wait for a future generation to determine if you and your Democrat wire-pullers are justified in heaping more federal bureaucracies, debt, and deficits onto taxpayer backs to fund. The legacy that you are leaving, and the reality we currently dwell in, I am saddened to comment, is like an iron wedge chained around the collective neck of posterity, and ourselves. If we do not arrest the expansive utopian schemes now being impetuously erected and radically implemented by Rush Holt and Nancy Pelosi, we are going to carry this burdensome yoke of insolvency and place it around the necks of unborn millions. Are we to believe that the tradeoff between spending more on research and development and having higher debt and deficit spending will eventually be a benefit to all of us? Our generation is standing up right now Mr. Holt, to proudly proclaim that the reckless spending spree that has gone on for decades in Washington D.C. will come to an abrupt end in November.

Further along in Rush Holt’s 2006 testimony, he mentioned that “[i]nvestment and decisions concerning science and technology require an understanding of the scientific and technological development process, a sense of responsibility to understand the potential policy outcomes of our decisions.” Are we to suppose that because our congressmen is a “rocket scientist,” no pun intended, that he has the special ability to understand the investment decisions that need to be made about science and research funding, and the policy ramifications of those decisions? That may be the case. Then we can carry his proposition a bit further, and explore the nature of our congressmen’s assumptions. Should we suppose, then, that in order to effectively deal with the federal budget’s numerable distresses, we need a representative that is capable enough to understand the complexities of our economic predicament, and the implications of policy decisions on the national debt, federal deficit, and small businesses?

If this be the case, according to our own congressmen’s logic, then, clearly, Rush Holt is not the best person to have representing us during a time of fiscal fragility. If we were preparing to leave the solar system on a rocket, then, maybe, we may want him in government. In fact, we need to address the dire financial perplexities we find ourselves in. We need to turn this great ship of state away from a course of fiscal decay, toward one that squarely places us on a path to economic renewal and expansion. We do not need to wait for a future generation to condemn our names because we saddled them with insolvency.

The Partisan Nature of Rush Holt

WARNING: Do not break the law before, during, or after reading anything I mention.

The record clearly reflects that Rush Holt is fiscally irresponsible. For instance, his Federal Budget Testimony from March, 2009, given during a time of severe economic uncertainty, applauded the fact that the federal budget sought to make the R&D tax credit permanent. This is quite fine, if only his voting record reflected this sentiment more often. On several other occasions, though, when he was in the minority, he, and the most extreme Democrat partisans in Congress, obstructed the efforts to make tax cuts permanent, and extending similar tax credits, which greatly benefited several small businesses in the district when finally enacted into law.

In H.R. 6, Energy Policy Act of 2005 – which Mr. Holt was one of the thirty percent who voted against it – there were several tax credits that were enacted into law that helped businesses in the district. Section’s 1331 and 1332, for example, the former allowed “a tax deduction for energy efficient commercial building property placed in service before 2008,” and the latter, “[a]llows certain home contractors a business tax credit for the construction of new energy efficient homes acquired before 2008.” Both benefited small businesses in the district. Our collective interests are not consistently attended to by the current career politician. Obviously this representative chooses his own personal interests, and that of his party, over our general interest. We need to halt the spiraling debt and deficit spending that is currently underway by the extreme Democrat Congress pulling real hard on our purse.

Getting back to Rush Holt’s 2009 budget testimony, he noted that

“[f]rom 2005 through 2007, federal research obligations decreased 7.8 percent in constant dollars. Between Fiscal Year 2007 and 2008 alone, total federal research spending dropped by 4.8 percent in constant dollars. The Congress must take some responsibility for this funding situation. In Fiscal year 2008, Congress slightly increased the investment in NSF by 2.5 percent, far short of the 8 to 10 percent increase that was provided in earlier versions of the appropriations bills and less than the 3.8 percent inflation that year. At the same, DoE’s Office of Science received 5.8 percent increase, far less than the 15 to 18 percent increase in earlier versions of these bills. I urge the Budget Committee and the Congress to take a different approach this appropriations cycle.”

Apparently, discretionary spending was actually curtailed by both the Republican and Democratic majority, and Mr. Holt vigorously opposed that fiscal remedy. Certainly, this is an extreme position that does not reflect the general interest of district taxpayers, or even the overall sentiment of Congress as a whole. What is the "different approach" Mr. Holt suggests, even more debt and deficit spending? Is that taking "responsibility for the funding situation?" This is fiscally irresponsible and an unsound partisan sentiment, especially at a time of escalating debt and deficits. It shows a blatant and reckless disregard of fiscal discipline when all of our attention should be focused on eliminating the debt and deficit brought on by decades of wasteful spending. It is clear to me that Mr. Holt will compound the debt issue with increased federal spending, higher taxes, and foreign borrowing, and support all those pet projects for his fellow scientists at Princeton University.

He concluded the 2009 statement by letting us know where his heart really is.

“In these troubled economic times, science is the ideal investment because it provides jobs now while laying the foundation for our future economic growth. As Speaker Pelosi said best, the way to move forward as a nation is ‘through science, science, science, and science.’”

Rush Holt must think that the federal government is the only entity that has ever invested in R&D and created economic growth and jobs.  Surely the federal government can provide an atmosphere to have prosperity, but economic growth, job creation, and innovation is not a primary objective for the federal government, it is the personal responsibility of every citizen. I expect this line of thinking coming from a partisan politician, a plasma scientist by trade, who has used his office and connections to keep a steady stream of taxpayer dollars freely running to his former employer, Princeton University, so they can soak up our wealth to conduct scientific and social experiments in their labs on campus, and in the City of Trenton. One thing is for sure, scientists, and Princeton University, have been taken care of during this recession, and have been very busy using all the federal grants and contracts funded by the taxpayers of this district, state, and nation; as if Princeton University cannot afford to finance their own projects, given the amount of money they charge per credit for a liberal education these days, or even the numerous public and private donations accumulated and invested in hedge funds. What should be our national priority when faced with ballooning deficits and debts? Rush Holt would have you listen to, and follow, Nancy Pelosi, as he often does, and triple spending increases on discretionary research and development.

We need to make the tough decisions required to balance the federal budget, cut spending on non-essential programs, and possibly using that revenue to actually start paying off our national debt. We must not let Rush Holt and Congress recklessly throw our hard earned wages at more unnecessary programs. Now this is clearly in the interest of the whole district, not political favors dished out to a few influential constituents residing in one part of it, at the expense of everyone else. We can no longer be spectators, idly standing by on the sideline while another congressional session wastefully spends our money. We must not be apathetic or disgusted with the process. We are the process. The result is determined by our votes. Vote in November, and, maybe, debt and deficits will be a thing to remember.