When one tries to define the essence of the Union, the first objective for an inquisitive mind is to correctly identify the great formative principles and the national imperatives that caused the need to form a Union. American Liberty and Independence are the dual mandates that spawned the Union's special relationship with its constituent components, the states and the people. The Union's precious bond has been nurtured, protected, enlarged, and sustained for more than two centuries, and will possibly continue for two more centuries, so long as every citizen possesses a resilient reverence for the solemn obligations placed in their hands.
Every generation, for more than four hundred years, participated in a glorious production, courageously conducted out in the open for all eyes of the world to witness, and for all hearts to be comforted by a warm embrace. A marvelous cast of actors perform on this well lit stage. There is not a precise script written to be disseminated to a specific audience. There is not a single director providing absolute direction, nor are there a few profiting producers managing the whole process from a distant perch of wisdom. The bond that binds every citizen together is intimate, and in close proximity to all of us. This theatrical display of human invention is supported by the indissoluble fabric of freedom that entwines our passionate hearts and tempered minds.
This American Union of Republics is perpetual. It can only be strengthened and sustained by the merciful hands of vigilant citizens, lawfully acting through public councils that accomplish a beneficial advantage for the whole Union, while proliferating Liberty and Independence abroad. This demands a careful attention to our ancient charters of liberties that gave birth to freedom’s vessel, and the momentous history of its construction, so to make sure it proudly sails humanity's rambunctious seas with a firm purpose and steady resolve to transport the priceless jewels of human Liberty and Independence to unborn generations yet to draw a breath in freedom.
We are the beneficiaries of Liberty and Independence. They are both honorable commodities that Americans proudly cultivate, and cheerfully export. Nowhere on Earth have these rare elements been jealously cherished for so long, and in such a manner, as they have been in America. It is a spectacular process, pivoting on time and circumstances, how this ideal experiment turned out. When this Union was established, it was the only instrument of its kind. That seed spore of Liberty and Independence was taken by the eternal winds of humankind, virtuously spread across the nations of the globe, taking root in so many minds, and in so many hearts, which is a great testament of human history.
The friends of Liberty and Independence are now abundant and robust. America is one of the leading manufacturers of these shinning gems of human hope; however, we did not create these lofty notions, but definitely acted in a way that sought to preserve and extend them. They are magnificent resources from the distant ages of human history and achievement. America does not hoard, nor hide, these jewels from the rest of the world, it has generously shared these bountiful benefits with the honest people of the world that seek justice and freedom in their own time and style.
Every nation that sides with the friends of Liberty and Independence have made a determined commitment, and a virtuous pledge, to live in freedom while adhering to the universal practices of law, respect, and dignity. American citizens are not the only people that have the capacity to extract and unleash the enormous potential that is harnessed within the cherished bounties Liberty and Independence has provided for each of us. Each country of the globe is a sovereign entity, most have peaceful designs that follow the best practices of international relations, yet some continue to be hostile adversaries of the Liberty loving participants that join hands for common security.
Under the Union's nurturing embrace, Americans are the largest population of free people in the world. It is unfortunate that there are still too many people who do not feel the warmth of Liberty, and the dignity of Independence. American citizens are fortunate to be the sovereign proprietors of a vast continent of tremendous resources, gracious rewards, and profound responsibilities that are directly under our careful protection, requiring astute attention, and a merciful hand to administer. These highly valuable rarities are the special objects of this Union of Republican Governments, and the people who give their consent to its form and fashion. They are the legitimizing force propelling this great ship of Republics on a journey in self-government and civic virtue. We are all helmsmen on this vast voyage of personal discovery and human happiness. Each and every citizen holds a sacred trust that ultimately directs this virtuous vehicle of government toward a more secure and tranquil port, avoiding the tempting allurement of near-sighted adventures, and hastily arranged maneuvers for political expediency and reckless retribution. Our mutual destiny depends on the strength and duration of the Union's bond to assure that American Liberty and Independence does not disintegrate amidst the formidable adversaries and malicious manipulators of public peace, the rule of law, national sovereignty, equal justice, and human dignity.
The Union’s sole purpose is Liberty and Independence. It exists so that every American, and the individual states they reside in, can partake in the blessings of freedom, so to live in peace, happiness, and prosperity, among themselves, and with their friends. The Union exists to protect its integral parts from internal disorders and external subversion that inhibit our national interests. The Great Charter of American Government is the framework by which the Union’s stability, and agility, is actuated. In order for Liberty and Independence to exist, there must be domestic tranquility and external security. The Union, acting with a national voice and purpose only it can represent, commands respect, and holds a moral responsibility, to ensure that both prerequisites are strictly adhered to, and properly invested in. There is an explicit guarantee nestled in the charter of rights governing the conduct of this Union, it is simply to secure the blessings of Liberty and Independence that our ancestors have bestowed upon the citizens of America.
American government is a public corporation. Each citizen is a common shareholder with equal rights under the law. We are fully invested in a prime asset that comes with radiant rewards, as well as ruinous risks. We have a charter that guides our actions, and we elect board members to serve our interests, and an administrative apparatus sufficient enough to enforce the obligations we are all compelled to abide by. America has always been a commercial proposition. Many of the original colonies were entrepreneurial endeavors seeking profits, both spiritually and materially. Commercial vitality, and the freedom necessary to foster personal advancement, is one of the many primitive characteristics that constitute the essence of American Liberty and Independence. It is a fresh and enlightened spirit, emanating from a largely diverse and innovative moral force that is practically unparalleled in modernity. The extensive nature of American freedom and commerce requires a strong Union to manage the varied interests on this continent. We have cultivated an array of private and public alliances, with a wide range of freedom loving nations and friends all over the globe, that seek Liberty’s warm rays of hope, and the mutual honor and respect Independence brings to a free people.
The sanctity of the Union, and the sovereignty of our national Independence, will always exist to protect and preserve our consecrated liberties. The true barometer of our national character will only be determined by the level of law and justice that exists. America will continue to foster these great ideals at home and abroad with our commercial and strategic partners. The Union, and its governing system, is the tempered arbiter of our national will, molding disparate interests and parochial influences into a common voice with a superintending authority over specific national duties. The Union is a harmonizing venue. It assumes the various melodies, from a diversity of instruments, and renders them into one powerful movement, with one beautiful song. The Union's tune rings loud with Liberty and Independence, its vibrancy is carried by the universal notes of freedom.