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A power to advance the public happiness involves a discretion which may be misapplied and abused.

James Madison, Federalist 41

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Rush Holt’s Weak Defense Posture

WARNING: Do not break the law before, during, or after reading anything I mention.

Rush Holt’s voting record in Congress on national security issues is a disgrace that his constituents and fellow citizens should be aware of. Mr. Holt veers from the nation’s general interest. Several curious votes have been cast during his lengthy tenure, which have taken a contrary course from a sound security policy. These votes, cast on our behalf, need to be known in order to arrive at a proper assessment of Rush Holt, the public servant, not the private man. Certainly, respect for Mr. Holt as a human being, a husband, a step-father, a son, a scientist, and citizen, is very much warranted, but his voting record should be separated from the individual, and scrutinized by every citizen. The primary objective for public servants assembled in Congress is to provide for our common defense. All other treasures flow from this basic human necessity. Life, liberty, property, justice, and social tranquility can only be present when there is peace, internal and external.

Rush Holt consistently falls in line with the most partisan members of Congress. He mysteriously shows up in obscure minorities vote after vote. Mr. Holt was one of the 24% that voted against the National Missile Defense Act of 1999 http://bit.ly/a0juGn, and was one of 14% to vote against the US/India Nuclear Cooperation Promotion Act http://bit.ly/d2w4ow. Mr. Holt was one of four members of New Jersey’s congressional delegation joining the 16% that voted against H.R. 4939, which provided emergency supplemental funding for our soldiers http://bit.ly/a1ALYr, and also accompanied the 5% that voted against the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007 http://bit.ly/bC76ca. He joined the 16% who voted against H.R. 2360 Homeland Security appropriations http://bit.ly/dxwOde, critical resources needed to ensure our domestic security. A contrarians approach might be acceptable when dealing with free capital markets and discernable risk, but when it deals with the security of this nation, and the lives of soldiers and citizens, political posturing performs a great disservice, and wounds our national character.

When we are secure in our vocation, our family relationships, the confines of our homes, and are sufficiently enlightened by a rigorous self-examination, supported by an honest industry, then we will be a free and independent nation. We are rational and resourceful creatures, capable enough to make informed decisions and practical applications, constantly checking our passions so they do not unduly diminish reason, distort perceptions, disturb public discourse, and impede upon the general welfare. Mr. Holt’s voting record can only speak for itself, if it is known. He may be an honorable man in private life, and public pursuits, like a vast majority of people, but he consistently does a bad job as a public servant with the trust given to him to protect our national security interests.

Time after time, vote after vote, Rush Holt continually finds himself gravitating toward curious groups voting against important legislation trying to make this nation, and all of us, safer. Mr. Holt’s political persuasion and partisan loyalties are not in line with the general sentiments of his constituents, and are detrimental to the nation’s interest. Why has Rush Holt taken such extreme positions? Most constituents of the district would not be joining Rush Holt on these votes if they were in Congress. The problem with Mr. Holt is that he does not truly represent his constituent’s common interests. In fact, Mr. Holt serves at his own pleasure, advocating his own personal interest, and that of his most extreme colleagues controlling the Democrat Party, and with it, our Congress. The record of Rush Holt’s past actions provides us with a flavor of future actions to come. I have faith in the wise citizens of New Jersey’s 12th Congressional District, that they will end Rush Holt’s misguided adventure in November.