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A power to advance the public happiness involves a discretion which may be misapplied and abused.

James Madison, Federalist 41

Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Reformation of Islam

WARNING: Do not break the law before, during, or after reading anything I mention.

The stream of foreign invaders coming to America are mainly derived from tyrannical regimes of the Near and Far East. These broken countries are ruled by despotic rulers who suppress liberty and blame their condition on America, the West, and Israel. The petty Princes and tyrants are doing just fine by accumulating more wealth and power over the population. Freedom of expression is tightly controlled, unless it is anti-American. Princes and tyrants play a double game of living off the West, while providing a virulent and warped religious instruction that perpetuates hatred and suspicion. We are now experiencing the Reformation of Islam and its consequences. Muslim's are trying to free their minds from oppressive restraints, and extricate a noble religion, which is inextricably linked to the state. When a government assumes control over education and religion, it stifles freedom. Liberty is the remedy for all the symptoms they are exhibiting. There is a struggle over who will control the minds of the population, and states have always corrupted religion and education to accomplish that end. It is unbelievable that any rational individual could place blame on America and "the West."

Citizenship Jeopardized

WARNING: Do not break the law before, during, or after reading anything I mention.

Our citizenship is diminished, and ultimately jeopardized, by granting all the privileges and immunities that come with it, to foreign invaders. Any non-citizen that commits blatant acts of terror should never be granted the same rights that citizens earned by ancestral birthright and naturalization. Miranda Rights should never be issued to foreign Jihadists, and they must be swiftly handled by military justice, without mercy. Assailants that fail in their attempt, like the shoe and underwear bombers, they must serve the rest of their lives in a military prison. As for American citizens waging Jihad, or other similar acts motivated by political ideologies, they are traitors, and, given the particular circumstances, should either be tried in a federal court or military tribunal, subject to death.

It is unconscionable that our government was about to attempt a very public trial in New York City. Send those murdering monsters to an undisclosed military prison, preferably not on this continent, to await American justice. The idea of a public trial was only conjured up to provide a warm and fuzzy flavor for foreign consumption, a dangerous appeasement and compromise on Camp Gitmo. The only compromise was our God given rights we posses as American citizens.

Aratus of America: A Real Conservative Opinion

WARNING: Do not break the law before, during, or after reading anything I mention.

Conservatism will outlast celebrified pundits. Any attempt to smear us through them will ultimately fail. We are larger than puny views of Glenn Beck, or the comedic sportscaster parading around as a serious journalist. It is absurd for anyone to even suggest, compare, or draw a parallel between those tyrants Beck referenced and our current political arrangement. We should only hope that those tyrannies never rise again, because you know who will be there to save the world again. The American people, I am sure, would prevent anything of the sort from being erected on this soil.

Since the federal government was created, the only question that remains, and will continue to remain, is how much power, as citizens, do we relinquish to it. It is clear to this citizen, at least, that the amount of power has increased well beyond the limited scope of constitutional boundaries, and has steadily outgrown its ability to sustain its expenditures.

This situation did not just suddenly appear with a new administration; it has slowly crept in and assumed a life of its own. The nature of the problem is a bloated bureaucratic machine, always clamoring for more resources because they do too much. Influential careerists, administering multitudes of agencies, control personal fiefdoms that provide special services in return for favors. This is why they tend not to share information with each other, because they compete for resources and use the information they acquired. It is time to send some of those salaried pensioners back to their respective states; maybe they can help out, or are the only jobs worth having in the federal government.