WARNING: Do not break the law before, during, or after reading anything I mention.
America ’s borders, most especially the southern line, need a great deal more security. Without a stronger border policy and infrastructure, our sovereignty is at stake, and our laws flouted. Illegal immigration and contraband denigrates the sanctity of laws and citizenship.
Federal taxpayer money should not be spent on internal state projects that do not have to do with interstate commerce. All customs duties excises and imposts on commerce, going into the federal treasury should only be used for a national infrastructure project. For example, a public transportation system in a particular city should be the responsibility of the state, county, or city/town. A bridge crossing state lines, an interstate highway, or a port engaged with interstate and foreign commerce is under the jurisdiction of congress.
Employment, investment, and national growth could thrive under these moderate proposals.
National Security
There are numerous enemies, foreign and domestic, that seek to undermine the best practices of universalLiberty . The nations, groups, and individuals that suppress Liberty tend to be the assailants of our own. Our Constitutional Republic must have security as its primary objective, without it, we cannot enjoy the blessings of Liberty . We need to foster alliances based on Liberty and mutual respect with independent nations. America , when it is in our national interest, should engage with any nation, group, or individual, no matter their character.
There are numerous enemies, foreign and domestic, that seek to undermine the best practices of universal
It is an imperative to our national survival, and to all liberty-loving nations of the world, to have a military capability able and flexible enough to protect diplomatic and economic interests abroad, and keep forging international relationships based on the best practices of sovereign nations.
An efficient and flexible system is essential to protect the United States from various forms of foreign and domestic threats to our collective freedom, and, if necessary, our allies, while never surrendering our dignity, independence, and national sovereignty. Temporary alliances are necessary instruments as long the interests of this nation are at stake, just as every other country has a right to do. America must always possess liberty, justice, mercy, benevolence, honest industry, and even severity, if necessary, in our peaceful endeavors throughout the free world.
Every port, terminal, and major energy facilities must be secure. Our information and communication infrastructure needs more attention on and around earth. An integrated space platform and a satellite defense system are two critical components to our national security.
Combine all foreign and domestic intelligence agencies, except military components, into one department or super agency, and placed in the Homeland Security Department. Every element from every department or agency that deals with terrorism should coalesce into one entity with one budget.
U.S. Armed Forces are a volunteer force. There should only be a compulsory draft if a nation invaded America , or imminent invasion, by a substantially credible threat of professional forces. Our national guard should be de-federalized, or at least a modest state militia created to attend to local emergencies. ROTC programs should be encouraged and a high school volunteer multi-disciplinary intern program established.
Every service member deserves equal rights and privileges under the law while serving the United States . Recent veterans, our most honorable citizens, should have access to free education if engaged in actual combat, or served at least eight years. Repatriation and professional development programs are necessary to ensure a smoother transition when veterans return home. All soldiers, and their immediate family, must receive uninterrupted full benefits and pay while on active duty. All disabled soldiers and honorably discharged veterans should receive full lifetime benefits. Any fallen soldier in combat receives a Liberty Badge of Honor to distinguish their last measure of devotion from the rest of our intrepid citizens. Full lifetime benefits are in order for the spouse and children under eighteen, and a college scholarship fund set aside for their children.
All citizens should respect the right to keep and bear arms, and to protect each other and this nation from all forms of tyranny and lethal threats to our life, liberty, and property.
An ignorant and undereducated citizenry is a threat to ourLiberty . State, county, and local governments should be the primary vehicle for education in the United States . The Federal component should be minimal at best. Public education is primarily the jurisdiction of State governments. The Federal Department of Education should have a much-reduced role, if not abolished, and placed in the State Department, along with the HHS and DOT. We are still in the chalk and eraser stage and need to advance with technology.
An ignorant and undereducated citizenry is a threat to our
Every public school should be fully equipped with information technology and linked on a national network to enhance our interconnectedness and share information. Math and science should be a major focus of curriculum; our children and posterity are the innovators of the future.
The Federal government should entice, through a reduction of payroll and corporate taxes, private companies to donate IT infrastructure and renovate or construct buildings, modernize and consolidate the numerous facilities that currently exist, first targeting the most economically distressed districts. Reform teacher/administrator pensions, have a merit-based system with competitive pay scales.
Household financing and economics needs to be invigorated. Volunteering and community service should be encouraged. Also, physical fitness and nutrition are essential components to a well-rounded education. Civic education is also vitally important to produce a basic, but well-defined, understanding of the virtues and values of citizenship. Vocational trade schools and charter schools are important institutions that need investment. English should be the official language of the United States , not be considered a second language.
There is nothing that frustrates the electorate more than excessive taxes, waste, and fraud. A large national debt, and continuing budget deficits are blemishes on our national character. The Federal budget should be balanced, unless during a major crises. Non-essential services, commissions, agencies, and departments should be decreased, or abolished. Free-market capitalism can only exist and thrive when Life,Liberty and Property is protected. Proper and transparent regulation of financial institutions, and the various capital instruments, is required to earn the trust, faith, and confidence of American citizens and people abroad.
There is nothing that frustrates the electorate more than excessive taxes, waste, and fraud. A large national debt, and continuing budget deficits are blemishes on our national character. The Federal budget should be balanced, unless during a major crises. Non-essential services, commissions, agencies, and departments should be decreased, or abolished. Free-market capitalism can only exist and thrive when Life,
A stronger United States dollar, low inflation, and a proportional trade balance are critically important to this nation. Levy a 10% tax increase on all imported goods, and invest in commercial infrastructure and security. For all those global corporations that might be impacted by oversea retaliation, taxes on domestic profits will be reduced if the foreign burden proves to be a major issue to the bottom line.
Elements in the Federal Bureau of Investigation having to do with fraud and white collar crimes should be combined with the SEC and the IRS, and placed in the Treasury Department to investigate domestic financial corruption and foreign manipulation. Elements of the Commerce and Labor Departments placed in the Treasury Department; otherwise, a reduced footprint is in order.
Individuals and corporations should be attached to, and responsible for, any financial risks they assume in capital markets, experiencing the gains as well as the losses. Everyone should have private and personal retirement and health care accounts. Do not overextend credit beyond an ability to pay for it, and live within the means.
The Federal government should not institute a public health insurance plan, rather, provide incentives for lower cost and competition, and reduce the amount of frivolous court cases promoted by self-interested lawyers. No company is too big to fail. The Federal government must not establish any interest in any public or private institution, or group of institutions.
The obligations of contracts shall not be impaired. Immediately, all federal taxes on income should be lowered by at least 20%. Any new tax scheme can only exist as a law for 2 years, and must have 2/3 of both Houses of Congress to enact and extend. Any new service, program, or mandate, must have 2/3 of both Houses of Congress to enact.
Federal income taxes should be based on a flat rate, a cap at 20%, citizens pay more on a voluntary basis, or an outright repeal/alteration of the 16th Amendment to also include a proportional enumeration. No tax should be levied that unjustly targets any particular segment of society for any reason or public benefit.
A special tax during emergencies can be levied, but only by a vote of 2/3 of both Houses of Congress. A full audit of the Federal government must occur at least once every Congressional session, and made public through various mediums. All individuals wishing to pay more to the federal government can simply write a check.
Lower taxes across the board will provide extra resources for individuals and businesses to create jobs and be productive. Our national infrastructure needs refurbishment, especially the interstate highway, water and energy facilities, ports, bridges, rails, and tunnels, to provide the free and safe flow of people and commerce throughout our vast continent.
State revenue derived from taxing commerce coming from another State and sold must be used for internal state regulation of customs duties and infrastructure expenditures, and any surplus revenue must go to the Federal Treasury as the constitution requires.
Energy Independence
Diverse energy resources are vital components to theUnited States economy and national security. Crude oil is a carbon-based resource that has numerous applications and will continue to be, in the immediate and foreseeable future, a major world commodity.
Diverse energy resources are vital components to the
To protect our nation from the instability and whims of a commodity market, we need energy independence. Within the next generation or two alternative fuel sources will be the leading segment of energy production. We need to harness all the vast energy resources and opportunities of our continent, and put people to work in all the various resource industries. Wind, solar, bio-fuels, hydro, geothermal, nuclear, oil, natural gas, clean coal, are agents of power generation and fuel that we are going to depend on.
The Federal government is the largest landowner. They are sitting on massive resources, proven and unknown quantities, which would enable us to be energy independent.
The agricultural industry is a most critical resource that sustains our population. We all need a balanced diet of meat, fish, dairy, poultry, fruit, vegetables, grains, nuts, sugars, and fats, America can produce all of this for us and the other dependent populations of the world. Agriculture is an important American characteristic of this nation, and human existence, which should always be a noble, reliable, profitable, and safe industry. Our utility infrastructure should be diverse and integrated into a national grid system that is safe, reliable, connected, and secure.
Employment, technological innovation, energy independence, and national security are common benefits to every American citizen. Our national security, education, economy, and energy are inextricably linked together and must foster innovation and leadership in the 21st century. America is blessed with tremendous human and natural resources that can be marshaled together for the mutual benefit of humankind. If we encourage these principles, through a limited, but highly focused national government, America will continue to excel for at least two more centuries.
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